Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
lookin damn good Puff.. much bigger than mine. Somethin is off on mine. the growth is still slow even with roots in the water. Noticed a couple leaf tip burns yesterday so i did a rez change. I'm using Dyna Grow nutes but everything that I've read about it, these nutes don't need a cal mag supplement. maybe I have a bad bottle. if it doesn't get better within a couple days then i"ll add some cal mag to the mix. Plus I have a twisted leaf.

Here's mine. For ours being practically the same age (mine is 2 days older), yours has definately outgrown mine. The difference in size from you using a dual spec 250 watt bulb compared to me using 2 two foot 4buld T5's 192 watts total is amazing.


the aftermath of fimming Sunday.

Keep up the good work Puff.


Well-Known Member
Yes i can't recommend a duel spec hps for veg highly enough.really tight nodes and really fast growth when it gets going.

I think also shes gonna take off for you when it recovers from the fim.. about 5 days it took for mine.. have faith ,i thought mine sucked for the first few weeks then she improved alot..

i would say yours is nicer looking than mine when mine was that big..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Yes i can't recommend a duel spec hps for veg highly enough.really tight nodes and really fast growth when it gets going.

I think also shes gonna take off for you when it recovers from the fim.. about 5 days it took for mine.. have faith ,i thought mine sucked for the first few weeks then she improved alot..

i would say yours is nicer looking than mine when mine was that big..
Psst. Give Philips CMH a try sometime. You will not regret it. Also if you are using DYNAGRO with RO water you may need a cal mag supplement as it ws designed for use with tapwater. Is what I use in soilless peat with ro and most strains need additional. Love the MagPro as well and Protekt is the nute I use the most of. Hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah i thought about using mh.. my ballast is digital so is actually compatible.May give a go some time to see the difference.
Nutes wise i use biobizz grow and heaven for veg .Heaven is a booster ,which has amino acids ,cal ,mag ..all stuff like that in it.I have grown with it and without and it deffinitly works.Worth every penny imo.Then when flower comes i use the bloom and top max aswell.I don't know how effective the top max is ,it's suppose to densin up the buds.It's pretty cheap though so i fire it in anyway.I know alot of growers ,esp old school will say all this stuff is not needed ,grow and bloom is all ..but i have been getting nice results with it all ..and i did see a noticable differance when i didn't use the heaven .So i'll keep going with this gear.It's organic to.

Not really in the habbit of updating everyday ,but i thought i'd fire up a few pics cause i'm a little bored.
I have noticed she looks alot "spikier" and happier as the medium dries out .I find just before shes due a watering she looks quite happy.Maybe a indicator this strain doesnt like wet feet?




Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah i thought about using mh.. my ballast is digital so is actually compatible.May give a go some time to see the difference.
Nutes wise i use biobizz grow and heaven for veg .Heaven is a booster ,which has amino acids ,cal ,mag ..all stuff like that in it.I have grown with it and without and it deffinitly works.Worth every penny imo.Then when flower comes i use the bloom and top max aswell.I don't know how effective the top max is ,it's suppose to densin up the buds.It's pretty cheap though so i fire it in anyway.I know alot of growers ,esp old school will say all this stuff is not needed ,grow and bloom is all ..but i have been getting nice results with it all ..and i did see a noticable differance when i didn't use the heaven .So i'll keep going with this gear.It's organic to.

Not really in the habbit of updating everyday ,but i thought i'd fire up a few pics cause i'm a little bored.
I have noticed she looks alot "spikier" and happier as the medium dries out .I find just before shes due a watering she looks quite happy.Maybe a indicator this strain doesnt like wet feet?

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Good call......

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Does MH really help trichome production the last 2 weeks or is that voodoo science?
(i know about cmh)
I have never run mh in flower as I run 2 cmh and 1 hps in flower but also high level uvb lamps throughout the grow...I found the cmh to veg better than mh and the cmh hps combo is amazing...

ime best for flowering is 2 cmh 1 hps
all cmh

then all hps


Well-Known Member
If I ever grow
I was thinking about putting a MH in the last 2 weeks or week
Supposedly it increases potency.
But you know the internet 50 different opinions and faux science

Kite High

Well-Known Member
If I ever grow
I was thinking about putting a MH in the last 2 weeks or week
Supposedly it increases potency.
But you know the internet 50 different opinions and faux science
I feel that it is uvb throughout the grow at high levels that is the best lighting enhancement potency wise

Kite High

Well-Known Member
IDK actually as I never did it but I do know that there is not enough uv emission for the effect from mh


Active Member
I must also add into this thread since I am running 2 C'99 myself from female seeds. They were vegging for about 45 days until flip (about 13" tall) then attempted scrog (the screen size was too big, but still had an LST effect to them) they are the two on the right and now almost 14 days from flip... The other 2 are G-13 labs Blueberry Bubblegum and those do smell a lot more.. but like someone posted, when I touch the stem they have a fruity smell to them as well. can't wait to have these in my jars and smelling the 'cure'.



Well-Known Member
I must also add into this thread since I am running 2 C'99 myself from female seeds. They were vegging for about 45 days until flip (about 13" tall) then attempted scrog (the screen size was too big, but still had an LST effect to them) they are the two on the right and now almost 14 days from flip... The other 2 are G-13 labs Blueberry Bubblegum and those do smell a lot more.. but like someone posted, when I touch the stem they have a fruity smell to them as well. can't wait to have these in my jars and smelling the 'cure'.

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You going to reveg them? Or did you get some clones before the flip?