Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
This grow really gives me hope, as i'm currently flowering two serious sativas myself. Thanks for posting this beauty.
Could you share how large(gallons) a pot you used to hold the soil and also the approximate height of the plants
at harvest time?
Hi, I'm not overly sure but I think the pots are in the 2.5 - 3 gallon region. The plant finished at a few inches over 3 feet tall when flowered at 10 inches, but this is not a common trait with most sativas, your African one will get a lot bigger. If in doubt with headroom ,just tie some string around your main top and tie it or tape it down.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Yes c99 is a hybrid and a miracle as it has the good from both ...I have run really pure sats that stretch and grow til chop!!

but man so worth it


Well-Known Member
Well tonight is 20 days for mine, but the batteries are dead on my camera.... maybe I can rob some out of one of my daughter toys :fire:.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
My chop is now complete. I smoked a few hits of scissor hash when it was all done. holy smoke! Screwed me up pretty good. But still got shit done afterwards. That was 4 hrs ago and i still feel it. Pretty impressed with the end result. For only my 2nd DWC attempt i'm not complaining.. And compared to my first DWC adventure I am pretty sure i've come close to doubling my weight. A couple weeks and I'll know for sure. Although i do have room for improvement, next time i'll trim off all the bottom tiny shit. In a scrog it gets hardly any light and it was fluffy. the very bottom branches that extended beyond the scrog that got better light, were much better than buds halfway up the plant but didn't get any light. The top nugs exceed my expectations in denseness.

So here she was before she got the axe.
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some root porn
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and what got hanging

four rows 30" long wide hanging some sticky icky greatness.

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Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
I'm impressed with the roots. I did change my water every night, so I guess I shouldn't be shocked by the way they look. It had me worried many times with never opening the lid and seeing how they were doing. Virtually no slime what so ever and I love the way the roots ingulfed the air stones and conformed to ever nook and cranny in the bucket. Especially where the drain spout was on the bottom of the bucket. My guess is between 4-5 oz's possibly more. 1 plant 52 day veg and 52 day flower time.. 104 days.. End result.. priceless


Well-Known Member
Priceless indeed, glad you got finished in the end after a really long veg. There must have been a fault with this site last night as your pics (and mine) aren't showing..

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
What a sham. I spent over 30min on that stupid post. And yes I had the check box marked.. remember me. that pisses me off.


Well-Known Member
Here's how the buds have turned out after a month or so's cure.. the high has remained consistantly satisfying with regular usage. All in all i am very happy with how it turned out and how stealthy it was to grow.the buds don't have that slap you in the face dank smell, it's a subtle spicyness ,when ground up it's a citrus smell. The main buzz still last about an hour and a nice mellow stonedness for a further few hours. It is really fantastic stuff

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Here's how the buds have turned out after a month or so's cure.. the high has remained consistantly satisfying with regular usage. All in all i am very happy with how it turned out and how stealthy it was to grow.the buds don't have that slap you in the face dank smell, it's a subtle spicyness ,when ground up it's a citrus smell. The main buzz still last about an hour and a nice mellow stonedness for a further few hours. It is really fantastic stuff
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damn dude! that is beautiful!!!

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Tallied up the final weigh in.

I got 177.8 grams or 6.35 oz's from my single C99 done under a scrog and 3gal DWC..
plus, I just finished up making up the hash from the fine trim. I got an additional 11.8g of Hash.. that I'll be sure to make some edibles with.
More than doubled my previous best. I still haven't smoked any bud. Waiting for it too cure more.

Here is a couple hash shots.
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