10 Days old, and the next batch of clones are begging to come out of the cloner but I have been too lazy to wash the 50L of hydroton needed to plant them with. Getting up now to do it, well on second thought maybe after this show on Spike is over. Ill do it, today even, just feeling lazy.
I dont mind helping you at all. If you want to ask a question that isnt of the private sort then just post it here. I usually take 10 min out of my day to write a reply. So if Im going to put some effort into answering a question I would rather do it in this forum and thread so that other people may benefit.
Well I bought a couple additional 6" clip on fans for the tents. Now Ill have one on each side. I have been doing my normal obsessive thing and have been trying to get the temp as low as possible. I have observed some big mistakes that people make all the time here on RIU. This is from my own trial and error but I have some advice to all growers out there. DO NOT PUT THE FAN BLOWING AT THE FIXTURE/BULB. It does nothing but blow hot air around ensuring that you have no cool air in the growing area. I have tried it over and over with every different confirguration but if I aim the fan at the light the temp goes up by 4-6 degrees. Well that may not sound like much but if it pushes you into the 90's it is. This is the best direction to point your fans down, by pointing them down you focus on the cooler air lower in the grow area. Trust me on this one. Or better yet, go test the difference yourself.
I fim'd 4 of the clones; wow they are really starting to take off!
I did it, I transplanted the latest batch of clones. It has taken about 45-50 days to get to this point starting with a seed. Starting from scratch sucks!
Its not a very impressive sight. I have the light as far away as it will go 3' feet. Want them to ease into their new environment. I also staked a few of them so they will straighten up a little faster.
Day 4, the other batch of clones are doing great too.
I kept 2 out of the 8 clones from the last batch to make new mothers. She should have enough time to grow tall again. I will need at least 50-70 days to finish off whats in the tent. By that time my mother plant will be ready to give me some big clones.