Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

thank you billcollector99 and pukkabud for that information.
if its not a hassle pukka yeah i would like to see that literature again mate.
ha, i kinda guessed back on what i read and soaked my coco in my hygrozyme and then did a very bizarre transplant with my rockwool girls. time will tell i guess. dont think i will use large rockwool cubes again, really did a number on my leaves .ouch. but new growth looks alright.
All of my used coco gets tossed into a compost heap behind the greenhouse, every few weeks i turn it up and mix it so it all decomposes nicely. 3-4 months later it is all ready to use again :)

A little more time consuming, but it works for me.
thank you billcollector99 and pukkabud for that information.
if its not a hassle pukka yeah i would like to see that literature again mate.
ha, i kinda guessed back on what i read and soaked my coco in my hygrozyme and then did a very bizarre transplant with my rockwool girls. time will tell i guess. dont think i will use large rockwool cubes again, really did a number on my leaves .ouch. but new growth looks alright.
Rockwool is a PITA to work with IMHO. I would avoid it at all costs, lol.
Canna Notes:

Rhizotonic: - Develops roots and can be used as foliar spray after transplanting or to reduce stress. Use the Rhizotonic at the high end of the spectrum (10ml-15ml per gallon) during the early stages of veg. Once the root system is big and established and you are in your final size container, then you can drop the dose down a bit, and once you are a week or 2 into 12/12, then u can drop it down to 2ml per gallon until about week 5 or six. For foliar feeding (until flowering starts), mix the Rhizotonic at 2ml per gallon. Spray it right when the lights come on, while the room and plant temps are still low, and so the leaves have time to dry before dark. Use it 3x per week, or every other day.

Cannaboost: - Kind of useless, but good as foliar spray. Use it at the low rate, 8 ml/gal applied every other day. It has little EC and will not affect the plant to much. Also, only adjust the pH if it is way out of bounds but if between 5.2 and 7.9 don't worry about it. Apply from the point of photoperiod change (12/12) to about 1 week prior to harvest if possible.

Cannazym: - Stimulates bio life - rinse coco with double dose cannazym after harvesting to use the coco up to 3 times. let it soak for a day, then replant. it decomposes old roots and stuff, then turns it into nutrients

PK 13/14: - Tends to be best used in a 7 - 10 day window starting about the time you see first flower formation. This typically, on an 8 week flower response group, to be about 5 weeks before harvest or 2-3 weeks after flower initiation (not light change). Adding it early will not advance or benefit flower initiation, only the amount of dark the plant sees will initiation flowering. Adding too early could result in phosphate accumulation and ratio issues involving Ca and Mg. If using A/B at full strength, cut it back a little as you introduce the PK. The best way to dial in the PK takes some trial and error work. This can be anything from 3 - 10 days after switching light cycle or the natural trigger for flower is received by the plant. Remember a plant has to convert to flower in most cases which takes a little time from the moment the dark cycle increases or decreases based on the species of plant being grown. Use PK for about a 3 week window at each irrigation along with the other components. Then you can stop. You really can not use PK too long except in the final week or so, or giving it too early. You want to use it when the buds are forming and just starting to kind of wrap around the branch (right before they start linking together)

Nutrient schedule for seedlings: - 1ml a+b and 1 mil rhizo - go a bit higher with every watering till you get to the normal chart level. PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a safe spot). Canna nutrient chart: http://www.cannagardening.com/growguide

Nutrient schedule for clones: - Start with 8ml (each A/B bottle) per gallon and if there is no sight of burn, quickly move up to 10-12 ml per gallon. PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a safe spot). Use solution within 4 days.

Nutrient Mix Order: - Cal/Mag (if using), then Rhizotonic, then A/B etc.. - let sit for a couple hours or overnight if possible. Then adjust PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a good middle) and use it. Always add anything with Calcium first. Probably no need for cal mag until flowering if using non RO (city) water. If you use any product with silica in it then it should be added to your feed water before adding other nutes or you'll get nutrient lockout/dropout in the mix.

Watering: - Never use just plain water with coco. Use the A/B with EVERY watering except during the final flush. During the flush, just use Cannazym. If you want to reuse the coco (up to 3 times), then use a double dose of Cannazym during the flush. After plant removal, soak coco in double dose cannazym once more and let it soak for 24 hours, then it's ready to re-use. Re-using canna coco is good because the micro life gets built up from the previous grow.

PH: - Stay between 5.2 and 6.2. 5.8 is a good safe spot

Magnesium deficiencies: - Show as yellowing in-between the veins on the leaf and sometimes rust spots
Calcium deficiencies: - Show as brown edges on the sides of the leaves, and eventually twist and curl up and die. Calcium is important for cell density. A steady supply will increase yields.
All of my used coco gets tossed into a compost heap behind the greenhouse, every few weeks i turn it up and mix it so it all decomposes nicely. 3-4 months later it is all ready to use again :)

A little more time consuming, but it works for me.

Yeh i think the cannazym just speeds up the natural process mate.
awesome! fantastic coco info.
yeah i did not realize how terrible rockwool was until after my hydro guy convinced me it was all good.
i later read that it is carcinogenic , the dust is . And that it does not biodegrade.
at the time it was all i could think to use to grow in to transplant into the waterfarm if i needed to.
(waiting to sex my plants and didnt want to waste time if my waterfarm was male.)
Next time i will do what Robbie did. grow out until able to sex in coco and then very carefully remove the plant from the coco trying not to stress the roots too much and place it in the hydroton pebbles.
awesome! fantastic coco info.
yeah i did not realize how terrible rockwool was until after my hydro guy convinced me it was all good.
i later read that it is carcinogenic , the dust is . And that it does not biodegrade.
at the time it was all i could think to use to grow in to transplant into the waterfarm if i needed to.
(waiting to sex my plants and didnt want to waste time if my waterfarm was male.)
Next time i will do what Robbie did. grow out until able to sex in coco and then very carefully remove the plant from the coco trying not to stress the roots too much and place it in the hydroton pebbles.

Id use some rhiztonic or something simular doc, when you do it reduces shock to the roots.
awesome! fantastic coco info.
yeah i did not realize how terrible rockwool was until after my hydro guy convinced me it was all good.
i later read that it is carcinogenic , the dust is . And that it does not biodegrade.
at the time it was all i could think to use to grow in to transplant into the waterfarm if i needed to.
(waiting to sex my plants and didnt want to waste time if my waterfarm was male.)
Next time i will do what Robbie did. grow out until able to sex in coco and then very carefully remove the plant from the coco trying not to stress the roots too much and place it in the hydroton pebbles.

i transplanted mine in a jiffy pellet amber ... i grew it from clone in a jiffy pellet then let it get a root system in a small pot of coco , then let the coco almost compoletly dry out and gently removed the plant and root system from the pot and stuck it in my water farm using the jiffy pellet .... i hate rockwool and this way i can germ in jiffy pellets and use in coco or waterfarm :)
I was thinkin maybe use a 1ltr Airpot with clay pebbles in, veg in that for for a week or 2 and you'd be able to unrap the airpot an transplant stright in the farm, if you get roots a quick as you do with coco they'll be no problem with the pebbles fallin all over when you open the pot, that way also you can start with the aqua nutes from the start.
The WaterFarm System is a great little self contained Hydroponic System. It comprises of two pots one of which sits inside the other and leaves a 10 litre reservoir in the bottom. A simple air pump is used to circulate the nutrient back to a ring of pipe around the top of the pot. The Pot is filled with Clay Pebbles or similar like perlite. The System can be used for up to 6 smaller plants or 1 large one. It is ideal for mother plants as it can be moved about so easily and the nutrients can be changed on a regular basis without causing to much trouble
I was thinkin maybe use a 1ltr Airpot with clay pebbles in, veg in that for for a week or 2 and you'd be able to unrap the airpot an transplant stright in the farm, if you get roots a quick as you do with coco they'll be no problem with the pebbles fallin all over when you open the pot, that way also you can start with the aqua nutes from the start.

thats the best idea yet, would need watering fairly often though, not so much to start but when it starts getting roots?
thats the best idea yet, would need watering fairly often though, not so much to start but when it starts getting roots?

Why thank you mr fingerez, hows it goin mate?.........yeh you would have to mate, might need a pump or rig sumut up to keep drippin water, idk was just a stoned thought mate, im full of um lol
This seems so much cheaper and just as effective ;)
Recircultaing DWC in a folgers, fed with a 2 gal res sitting inside the homer bucket.
Fills in the bottom, and drains out the top back into the res.
