Pullag poll: Should the US intervene in Syria?

stoned cockatoo

New Member
do you think it's OK for a government to serin gas thousands of its own people?
I don't, do you think its okay to fund terrorist that you are fighting at the same time?

Arm them with the same shit they are going to use against our countrymen in fuck knows how many years to come, after the US government throws the terrorists aside after using them as a stepping stone.


New Member
Was it serin? Did it come from Iraq? would that justify "Iraq has WMD"?

Is it worse for a government to blow up 100k people or gas 1000?

Are you ever going to answer a direct question?
Some are claiming it might not have been a chemical weapon but an "industrial intoxicant"... Either way with "rebels" sorry, I mean jihadists caught with sarin in turkey they might have had to change it up as not to seem too obvious...


Jean Pascal Zanders, an independent researcher who specializes in chemical and biological weapons and disarmament, said that in videos of the aftermath of the attacks, the hue of the victims' faces appeared to show many suffered from asphyxiation.

However, he said the symptoms they exhibited were not consistent with mustard gas or the nerve agents VX or sarin. Mustard gas would cause blistering of the skin and discoloration, while the nerve agents would produce severe convulsions in the victims and also affect the paramedics treating them – neither of which was evident from the videos or reports.

"I'm deliberately not using the term chemical weapons here," he said. "There's plenty of other nasty stuff that was used in the past as a chemical warfare agent, so many industrial toxicants could be used too."
thermobaric rounds or air burst rounds will cause asphyxiation, that's if you survive the initial explosion...


New Member
I don't, do you think its okay to fund terrorist that you are fighting at the same time?

Arm them with the same shit they are going to use against our countrymen in fuck knows how many years to come, after the US government throws the terrorists aside after using them as a stepping stone.
Not just them, our guys are fighting these jihadist mofos around the world and when you look at Australia's KIAs, we've lost people from our top tier units, whose numbers to begin with, hover in only the hundreds... It takes an average of 3 years and $2million to train a trooper up to a beret qualified operator...


Well-Known Member
I don't, do you think its okay to fund terrorist that you are fighting at the same time?

Arm them with the same shit they are going to use against our countrymen in fuck knows how many years to come, after the US government throws the terrorists aside after using them as a stepping stone.
I think it is pretty crazy that we arm anyone involved in a civil war.

If Russia armed Al Quaida against the USA we would call them terrorists... Oh wait, we call that Afganistan...

Seriously, our policies make no sense...


Well-Known Member
They did and it's well documented...
yepp, they sure did.*

then they ousted their own president and slaughtered hundreds of their own.

you're SMART.

Robert Baer has written extensively on this subject, he actually spoke at length about it during a conference in Sydney in 2010 that I attended.
you're SOOOOOO special.

nursing that armchair quarterbacking PTSD of yours.

so cute.

I'll even give you a name synonymous with one of the most notorious MB/EIJ operatives the Egyptian and US military has produced; Ali Mohammed.
wow, even sharing privileged thuper thpecial authie intelligenthe on the interwebz.

we all believe everything you say.

Oh and just to clarify, Mohammed Morsi IS NOT the president of the Muslim Brotherhood
never said he was, dipshit. you reading compensation has failed you.

i said he was the muslim brotherhood president, not the president of the muslim brotherhood.

Australia killed UBL
you're thooooo thpecial.


Well-Known Member
Was it serin? Did it come from Iraq? would that justify "Iraq has WMD"?

Is it worse for a government to blow up 100k people or gas 1000?

Are you ever going to answer a direct question?
my apologies for not humoring your stupid questions.

actually, i'm not really sorry. your questions are just stupid.


Well-Known Member
I think it is pretty crazy that we arm anyone involved in a civil war.

If Russia armed Al Quaida against the USA we would call them terrorists... Oh wait, we call that Afganistan...

Seriously, our policies make no sense...
Don't try this at home. Seriously. These are what ya call, Experts. This is very serious. And if you need Mosanto and the USA to be the Devil.....whatever....these are experts.


Rule 74. Chemical Weapons
Rule 74. The use of chemical weapons is prohibited.
State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.
International armed conflicts

The use of chemical weapons is prohibited in international armed conflicts in a series of treaties, including the Hague Declaration concerning Asphyxiating Gases, the Geneva Gas Protocol, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Statute of the International Criminal Court.[1] At present, only 13 States are not party to either the Geneva Gas Protocol or the Chemical Weapons Convention.[2] Of these, at least three have made statements to the effect that the use of chemical weapons is unlawful, or have indicated that they do not possess or use them or that they are committed to their elimination.[3] The prohibition is also contained in a number of other instruments.[4]

Main article: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
The convention is administered by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which acts as the legal platform for specification of the CWC provisions (the Conference of State Parties is mandated to change the CWC, pass regulations on implementation of CWC requirements etc.). The organisations furthermore conducts inspections at military and industrial plants to ensure compliance of member states.
[h=2]Key points of the Convention[/h]
  • Prohibition of production and use of chemical weapons
  • Destruction (or monitored conversion to other functions) of chemical weapons production facilities
  • Destruction of all chemical weapons (including chemical weapons abandoned outside the state parties territory)
  • Assistance between State Parties and the OPCW in the case of use of chemical weapons
  • An OPCW inspection regime for the production of chemicals which might be converted to chemical weapons
  • International cooperation in the peaceful use of chemistry in relevant areas
[h=2]Member states[/h]
Participation in the Chemical Weapons Convention
Signed and ratified
Signed but not ratified

Main article: List of parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
Almost all countries in the world have joined the Chemical Weapons Convention. Currently 189 of the 196 states recognized by the United Nations are party to the CWC.[SUP][1][/SUP] Of the seven states that are not, two have signed but not yet ratified the treaty (Burma and Israel) and five states have not signed the treaty (Angola, North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan and Syria).


Well-Known Member
Don't try this at home. Seriously. These are what ya call, Experts. This is very serious. And if you need Mosanto and the USA to be the Devil.....whatever....these are experts.


Rule 74. Chemical Weapons
Rule 74. The use of chemical weapons is prohibited.
State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.
International armed conflicts

The use of chemical weapons is prohibited in international armed conflicts in a series of treaties, including the Hague Declaration concerning Asphyxiating Gases, the Geneva Gas Protocol, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Statute of the International Criminal Court.[1] At present, only 13 States are not party to either the Geneva Gas Protocol or the Chemical Weapons Convention.[2] Of these, at least three have made statements to the effect that the use of chemical weapons is unlawful, or have indicated that they do not possess or use them or that they are committed to their elimination.[3] The prohibition is also contained in a number of other instruments.[4]

Main article: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
The convention is administered by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which acts as the legal platform for specification of the CWC provisions (the Conference of State Parties is mandated to change the CWC, pass regulations on implementation of CWC requirements etc.). The organisations furthermore conducts inspections at military and industrial plants to ensure compliance of member states.
Key points of the Convention

  • Prohibition of production and use of chemical weapons
  • Destruction (or monitored conversion to other functions) of chemical weapons production facilities
  • Destruction of all chemical weapons (including chemical weapons abandoned outside the state parties territory)
  • Assistance between State Parties and the OPCW in the case of use of chemical weapons
  • An OPCW inspection regime for the production of chemicals which might be converted to chemical weapons
  • International cooperation in the peaceful use of chemistry in relevant areas
Member states

Participation in the Chemical Weapons Convention Signed and ratified
Signed but not ratified

Main article: List of parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
Almost all countries in the world have joined the Chemical Weapons Convention. Currently 189 of the 196 states recognized by the United Nations are party to the CWC.[SUP][1][/SUP] Of the seven states that are not, two have signed but not yet ratified the treaty (Burma and Israel) and five states have not signed the treaty (Angola, North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan and Syria).



New Member
yepp, they sure did.* then they ousted their own president and slaughtered hundreds of their own.you're SMART.
You are a barrel of laughs, stop reading all that think progress garbage, it only serves to highlight your "limited means"

you're SOOOOOO special.nursing that armchair quarterbacking PTSD of yours.so cute.
I was deployed to a warzone, what's your excuse... Marriage? :lol:

wow, even sharing privileged thuper thpecial authie intelligenthe on the interwebz.we all believe everything you say.
So you're saying you support terrorists? Thought so...

never said he was, dipshit. you reading compensation has failed you.i said he was the muslim brotherhood president, not the president of the muslim brotherhood.
And I corrected you, Mohammed Badie is the MB president...

you're thooooo thpecial.
I'm special enough to know KFC does not equal "racial resentment" as one bigoted member put it... it's a nickname for KSM... :dunce:


New Member
Syrian Rebels Tied to Al Qaeda Play Key Role in War - Published: December 8, 2012 / NY Times

BAGHDAD — The lone Syrian rebel group with an explicit stamp of approval from Al Qaeda has become one of the uprising’s most effective fighting forces, posing a stark challenge to the United States and other countries that want to support the rebels but not Islamic extremists.

Money flows to the group, the Nusra Front, from like-minded donors abroad. Its fighters, a small minority of the rebels, have the boldness and skill to storm fortified positions and lead other battalions to capture military bases and oil fields. As their successes mount, they gather more weapons and attract more fighters.

The group is a direct offshoot of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Iraqi officials and former Iraqi insurgents say, which has contributed veteran fighters and weapons.

“This is just a simple way of returning the favor to our Syrian brothers that fought with us on the lands of Iraq,” said a veteran of Al Qaeda in Iraq, who said he helped lead the Nusra Front’s efforts in Syria.
Al Qaeda militants flee Iraq jail in violent mass break-out

I hope all those prison escapees don't head to Syria to help their "brothers"...


Well-Known Member
I was deployed to a warzone
lol, the war monger has PTSD.

i'm not usually one to make fun of it, but you're a thuper thpecial exception.

And I corrected you, Mohammed Badie is the MB president...
and morsi was the muslim brotherhood candidate who became president until the egyptian military, who had been infiltrated for decades by morsi's muslim brotherhood allies, ousted him then slaughtered thousands of his supporters.

it's that kind of unique insight by a PTSD ridden, armchair quarterback like you that keeps me laughing.


Well-Known Member
Some are claiming it might not have been a chemical weapon but an "industrial intoxicant"... Either way with "rebels" sorry, I mean jihadists caught with sarin in turkey they might have had to change it up as not to seem too obvious...


thermobaric rounds or air burst rounds will cause asphyxiation, that's if you survive the initial explosion...
The opinion is firming up over here. There is a telephone intercept of someone higher up chewing out some Minister or Commander about it, they say.

Briefed Congress today thru the security sub-committees, and someone, not Colin Powell this time will do a dog and pony show for the American People, tomorrow, they say.

And as we see Syria is not a signatory to any of this. And China and Russia can abstain on the British Resolution, but NOT. They say.

We could certainly see a situation where despite all, nothing happens....I say.


New Member
lol, the war monger has PTSD.

i'm not usually one to make fun of it, but you're a thuper thpecial exception.
Is that what you deduced from my post? LOL cool story bro... What's up with "thuper thpecial"? did your teefs grow buck again? :mrgreen:

and morsi was the muslim brotherhood candidate who became president until the egyptian military, who had been infiltrated for decades by morsi's muslim brotherhood allies, ousted him then slaughtered thousands of his supporters.
Obviously Egypt and Libya wasn't enough for your elected terrorist in chief - look what popped up after NATO's campaign ended after the fall of Gaddafi;


it's that kind of unique insight by a PTSD ridden, armchair quarterback like you that keeps me laughing.
So Obama providing material support to terrorists is a source of amusement for you? It wouldn't surprise me one bit to learn the following picture is taped up next to fins sister;



Well-Known Member
is the ausfailian posting photoshopped pics again?

didn't he learn his lesson when he got caught doing it the first time?