pulling clones after switching to flower


Active Member
so whats the survival rate of pulling a clone after first finding out the plants sex? the plants are already switched to 12/12 ( day about to start the plants second night of 12 hours of darkness )
can clones be pulled after the males are killed and placed under 18/6 or 20/4 to reveg into a mother plant? or is this unrealistic ?:?:


Active Member
Yes, you can cut clones after you get them sexed. For better results, do it as soon as you know the sex. If you do that, there really won't be an issue with reveg. Once they start to grow little buds is when you will have to fight the reveg.

Survival rates differ on how you clone them. But pulling clones a week or two after 12/12 will not really raise the death rate in any way.


I will second MyPetSkunk. It is very possible to clone once flowering is induced. However it becomes increasingly difficult the longer you wait. Once you switch the light cycle the plants hormone levels change. More precisely, the flowering hormones or "auxin"s increase and continue to increase as the plant grows older.

When you take a clone everything changes. The plant then has only one frame of mind (so to speak), it then can only do one thing to survive, it must root. This changes the hormones yet again. This abrupt change is most definitely stressful so a clone taken from a flowering plant has less chance of survival and will most likely take longer to root.

Having said all this, I say go for it. I have successfully cloned plants that were almost ready for harvest. I would simply trim off any buds and leave a few leaves. I would say my success rate is about 75%.

Best of luck,



Active Member
awesome. currently these plants are in DWC, the clone to be mother plant will be in some form of soil. than next step is going to be a hempy bucket set up of some sort. it really looks like the best per square footage set up.


Active Member
i have just done a few runs with flowering clones to try to eliminate the need for mothers. i have found that the sooner you take them in the flowering cycle the less time taken to revert back and start growing. i had great results with 14 days in cuts but they took a little while to start off again after they rooted,much longer than normal clones. the cuts i took off a finished plant took root after 14 days and took an eternity to start into grow again ,the leaves were all singles and twisted deformed and ugly for a while but did get to normal eventually and the big plus is the side branching, astounding prolific growth right from the bottom.

in the end i decided to grow some out to make fantastic mothers purely for the time issue as ineverveg and its easier to have mothers for me but if you get a plant that is just a freak then its a great way to save those genetics