Pullman patients?

I'm interested in starting a collective here in the deadzone known as Pullman. There are no medical resources for us since all the dispensaries in Spoklane were shut down. If anyone is interested in getting involved, or just wants to be friends let me know.


Active Member
Yeah I'm in pullman as well, by starting a collective what would/can I do to get involved? and My roomate and I are patients, and always like to get down ^.^


Active Member
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to start a dispensary of your own, setup a delivery service, grow some for you and your friends (other patients of course), get involved with the legalization movement? etc..


Active Member
Yeah I would love to see a bigger community of MMJ patients in the area, I'd love to setup a delivery service for the Palouse.


Active Member
I'd have to recommend you really read up on what happened this past year with the laws and/or law enforcement over there, obviously, before you do anything. There are other ways to get involved though. If you're super-serious about it, I would highly recommend getting in touch with someone from www.sensiblewashington.org They have a coordinator's office there in Spokane somewhere. I would recommend them though, as they seem to be the only organization that is actually organized in the state. That I know of at least.


Well-Known Member
45 plants 3 max atm i hear. Just be careful with a delivery service lol.

Specially with all the spies on here, and pullman being such a huge city =)


Active Member
yeah eastern washington 5-0 are excited with the mmj movement. The patient network here doesn't come close to Seattle.


Active Member
Like I said, if you still want to get involved you need to get in touch with someone from SensibleWashington. They usually organize rallies and other public events to help promote the decriminalization of cannabis and protection for patients under the existing system. It doesn't have to be you deal weed or do nothing.


Active Member
i am originally from clarkston but got in spokane about a year before they shut us down. i would love to see the gap split between spokane and clarkston because they have a ton of patients. i would love to hear what you have to say pm me


Active Member
a dispensary is kinda outta the question, if 60 in spokane are down you wont stay in business very long. things that can be done in your area to start would be to contact organizations such as S.A.F.E.R., NORML, Sensible washington, and get working with an organizer to get this area in there focus. organize small managable PEACEFUL demonstrations that help register voters in your area,and that in turn can sign petitions and vote for marijuana initiatives and laws. USE SOCIAL NETWORKING, facebook, myspace,twitter. most are free and most are connected to all your friends, maybe ones that dont know your opinion on marijuana and its uses.if you have any plans for the near future i would love to help just pm me.


This is a dangerous prospect for all those hoping to get involved, I'm a patient new to the pullman area and have noticed the lack of a strong grower community. If your looking for an informal arrangement of patients who trade clones, advice, assistance then I'm all in, but seeing as though Pullman's city council has gotten collectives blocked until they reach a verdict on zoning restrictions I doubt a collective is a realistic goal down here, just too hostile. They have already blocked a vote a couple times and whatever they come out with will be horseshit and we should all know it. Plus I don't know if you watch the local news, but the Pullman police commissioner has been on several times to point out how dangerous pot smokers, growers, supporters, clubs, gardens, and even patients can be.


That is why i dont deal, and i dont deal with dealers, now fellow patients are always welcome to come match a bowl
Well I'm cold turkying it for now till my harvest comes through in another 6 weeks :(

But then ill have some mk ultra to throw down on that for sure

new to pullman and havent really gotten in touch with too many other growers, plenty of punk ass kids that want to smoke but not very many patients


Well-Known Member
Well I'm cold turkying it for now till my harvest comes through in another 6 weeks :(

But then ill have some mk ultra to throw down on that for sure

new to pullman and havent really gotten in touch with too many other growers, plenty of punk ass kids that want to smoke but not very many patients
haha indeed man, wanna get in touch with local growers... www.ganjagrowers.org is washington only.


Active Member
I just applied to join that website I'm just south of you all and in need of some clones my local guy had crap and need my limit (15 to get going again)