Puney buds to fat buds in 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
So if I got an 8 week strain and its in week 5 of flowering with little iddy bitty ol' 4 inch long 1 inch wide buds, just how in the heck are them lil ol' buds gonna grow into huge ass sticky dense fat large hairy sparkly thick girthy wide stinky heavy buds in 3 (4) weeks?


There's treachery afoot
So if I got an 8 week strain and its in week 5 of flowering with little iddy bitty ol' 4 inch long 1 inch wide buds, just how in the heck are them lil ol' buds gonna grow into huge ass sticky dense fat large hairy sparkly thick girthy wide stinky heavy buds in 3 (4) weeks?[/quote

Patience and care.
It is amazing what the last two to three weeks can do to add mass to the buds.


Active Member
i agree if you use the right boost and accelarater, your buds can become unrecogniseable within 10- 14 days,


Well-Known Member
....like the full line of AN under 1600 watts? :}

it is my first real plants... i am so skeptical that they will become so large in so little amount of time, but it will happen no?


Well-Known Member
So if I got an 8 week strain and its in week 5 of flowering with little iddy bitty ol' 4 inch long 1 inch wide buds, just how in the heck are them lil ol' buds gonna grow into huge ass sticky dense fat large hairy sparkly thick girthy wide stinky heavy buds in 3 (4) weeks?
At the end of your grow let your plants sit in total darkness for a couple days. They really bulk up. A friend of mine found this out by going to jail after he turned his lights off. Off for about 6 days. They got huge. It was not a drug related charge.


Well-Known Member
Buds swell in their last 2 to 3 weeks. As they start to swell you will start to get anxious.


Well-Known Member
You should use some sugar ^_^

I'll quote from Jorge Cervantes:

"Adding sugar during the last 6 weeks augmented harvest weight of the bud by 20 percent."

Get yourself some good ol' blackstrap molasses or honey (as long as everything is organic), and those buds will bulk up.


Well-Known Member
You should use some sugar ^_^

I'll quote from Jorge Cervantes:

"Adding sugar during the last 6 weeks augmented harvest weight of the bud by 20 percent."

Get yourself some good ol' blackstrap molasses or honey (as long as everything is organic), and those buds will bulk up.
I'm using carboload:hump:, that's suga right? or you talkin bout some other sort of sugar


Well-Known Member
He is talkin about molassas. 2 tbsp per gallon of water. I give it to my plants almost every watering. They do seem to do better on it.


i have 2 clone plants and they been Budding for 4 weeks, and the Buds are really small what can i do to make them grow bigger


Active Member
Good to remember that the timelines you see are typically from when the buds start showing, making a typical 8 week plant about 10-11 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Dont worry, last 2 weeks is when they add on most of their weight, btw, the 8 week is a rough guess, its not a guarentee its gonna be ready.