Punk Song of the Day


Well-Known Member

Fuck - Eat - and Fuck you up..............


Well-Known Member

Springheel jack'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was just going to post one song, but I think this entire ep is amazing. TSOL are one of my favorites, to quote a 7 Seconds song "they got the music and the message". Love the lyrics to Silent Majority.



Well-Known Member
short lived but awesome band...


Steve French

Well-Known Member

Not strictly punk. But I think we can make an exception, these fuckers influenced everybody and their mother with their raw screaming fifth chord sound.


Well-Known Member

This song is about as given' er, as it gets.

Fuck yes.


Well-Known Member

Hissyfitts? nonono...Be like Jack Dalrymple. Keep it fucking simple.

Baked potato, and smoke a blunt. Have another drink on me.


Well-Known Member

I'm fits to break yer nintendo!
Awesome song. I've seen them play a bunch of times here in SoCal, good show. Smut Peddlers, TSOL, DI and The Detours all at one show was off the hook.


Well-Known Member
Awesome song. I've seen them play a bunch of times here in SoCal, good show. Smut Peddlers, TSOL, DI and The Detours all at one show was off the hook.
D.I. is fucking rad. I bought Casey a fancy beer once...He took "us" out back to the bus, and injested some crank, told me all about how the police are watching me, then proceeded to give me a free t-shirt if I promised to punch a random stranger in the chest. Later, during the set, he threw an aquafina bottle at my face. Cranky butthole. I suppose I had it coming....