Punk Song of the Day


Well-Known Member
still one of the favorites


bud bootlegger
still one of the favorites
nice, always been a big siouxsie fan.. :D

you ever heard the glove high/? it's robert smith on guitar and steve severen from siouxsie and of course her as well.. they put out one album..


Well-Known Member
nice, always been a big siouxsie fan.. :D

you ever heard the glove high/? it's robert smith on guitar and steve severen from siouxsie and of course her as well.. they put out one album..
I've heard of the glove actually but never listened for some odd reason.. I feel like that'd be amazing. Gonna have to look into it later because I could imagine that the guitar work is phenomenal!

Steve French

Well-Known Member

This band is still rocking. Too bad the singer got all old and wrinkly and fat and gross.


Well-Known Member

They circumcise, they tell you lies. And, they getcha. Yea, they take ya. They hate you if you ever wonder why.
We don't need no re-education, schools out, drop out, time for vacation. I'm getting an A in anatomy.
It doesn't matter, B. The past is history.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Man, I was just watching a Nirvana interview, and that cunt Cobain just shit all over the Sonics! The best band to come out of the pacific northwest!



Well-Known Member

Fuck you Billy Corgan. Stop writing shitty songs about Courtney love. You asshole. You're fucking doing punk rock wrong. I should slap your huge bald, weird looking face.


Well-Known Member

Kick it, Mr. Summers....