punks half assed Ken's Grandaddy Purple T5 grow journal

Nice job... I'm already subbed on ur next grow!
will still come back for weight and smoke report, of course.

thanks~ :)
My bad... lol. I been testing over the past few days :) its a pretty balanced high. Not to stoney, nice wake and Bake. A few bowls before bed though and I sleep like a baby. Can't really describe the taste yet. Kinda fruity, skunky, Piney, hashy
That's a lot of good smoke you got congrats. Thanks for the smoke report, sounds kinda what I was looking for.

Try to keep your tattoos out of your pics! Hahaha, I guess it doesn't matter if you're growing legally but I try to keep min eout of grow pics anyways.. just in case, you never know if someone could use 'em to identify you; then again I'm a paranoid bastard. Nice grow though, they look really nice. There aren't many Grandaddy grows on RIU.
I could care less if people see my tatts , and I'm not in a legal state. Even thou most of my tatts and even DNA are in the system, and no cops knocking on my door LOL. Thanks for the concern thou man. O, and cultivation of under 250 grams or less is a misdemeanor in Ohio. My lawyer told me to keep it under that and I'll have no problems