Puny Leaves!


LOL I haven't seen this before! Born Oct 24th "potted" photo 2.jpg Those puny 2 leaves have not grew or barley even to notice! And have looked shriveled like that since they appeared! This was taken about a week ago. I realize that is crapppppy soil, but figured I might as well transplant *Her into some new nicer soil before I take her out of her misery :-?:confused:


Well-Known Member
Is that just top soil dirt from the backyard or something? If so, it probably doesn't have a complete enough nutrient profile to support the healthy growth of your plant. Go ahead and transplant her into a quality organic soil and watch her come back to life. She aint dead yet!


Well-Known Member
Dude that has weird leaves it almost looks like a completely different plant to me. Maybe you have a mutant with a lot of bad recessive genes. Are you using the same soil for all your others?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it could just be a runt, it happens. Might not be worth growing out if you have other plants that are doing much better in the same kind of soil. I dont have experience with Miracle Grow, but I know there are several growers on here that have used it with a lot of success.


Well-Known Member
In those last pics the plant is way to wet for that age...not much transpiration going on with that small of a plant