puppet scorecard

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i think we've made guesses about you hep? not sure but i think so. i guessed you to be crypt once.

so obviously kodank wants to be investigated. the question i have is why?

another question: i inherited about 20 party cup plants from the nephew, he started them outside and they really stretched. they are nicely naturally lollipopped. they seem to be indica. nice fat leaves. anyway, i nursed them back to health and want to transplant them today. how far up can i bury the stems or should i? they each have maybe 8 inches of bare stem before any leaves.
i can go searching but i thought i would just ask my friends for advice as i'm pretty high :eyesmoke:

just plant them deep and roots will grow out of the stalk.
i always get nervous reburying stems for the fear of introducing botrytis. anyone had this happen?

I've never had it happen. I've gone down 12 inches on numerous plants before.......... obviously you have to water a little less since there arent enough roots to pull the water out but I have never had a problem with it.
LOVE your avatar Wordz, that's classic :clap:

Basically or a thug guy with a baseball bat threatening to trash her house/apartment if she doesn't give his stuff back.

Personally, i prefer the rapist option. If this shit happened to me i would call my rapist friend and ask him if he wants to rape my ex if she doesn't give my stuff back.

i have a new project here and it's name is shadow
i leave to go to the beach for a few hours and come back to see the place has gone all to hell
what happened to your avatars guys?
I'm not allowed to have a tranny as my avatar.

Sure you can. cn

<edit> Is Scoob still with us?
that sucks
one would think any picture submitted on the internet would be fair game
sometimes i think perhaps not a tranny but a granny (i didn't want to resize this for obvious reasons)
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