Pure Afgani Problems


Our pure Afgani started out in seed form 9 weeks ago. I have them 24/7 under 8 bulb bad boys. Temperature in room varies slightly from 75 - 80 degrees. Humidity runs about 30% but varies up to 55%. Two fans are on constantly for air movement.
The edges of the fan leaves are curling up. What is causing this?
I have small white dots appearing on some of the leaves, see pictures attached from microscope. Can someone tell me what this is?



Well-Known Member
Not sure what that white is its not mold if its 30% rh could be mites. The leaves could be a dry ,turn off the fans for a week and see if that helps.


Also have 3 original grape kush with these and no leaf pproblem with them but do have a few white dots with it. I will turn off the fans or atleast one of them and see what happens. Thanks


New Member
u should ask a pure afghani dood i aint no afghanai br0 but i till u this some pure afghani mold u got there !


Well-Known Member
uh how zoomed in are we? those could be a dozen things under a microscope most likely plant excrement or spider mite eggs lol