Pure Power Plant Perpetual Ebb and Flow


Active Member
Same back at you my friend.

PPP is a good little girl. Even if my pheno is a little slow. It makes me wanna pop some more seeds and see if I can find a quicker momma. But, she is so stable and dense.

I just ordered some new strains...

Royal Queen Seeds Special #1
World of Seeds Kush
Dinafems White Widow
DNA Genetics LA Women

Let's hope for the best. I am really excited about the Landrace Afgani. That should be fun to play with.


Active Member
Well, the new beans arrived today. That's not bad being the holidays and all. They all arrived, not I just need to sprout some.


Active Member

I can admit when I was wrong.

I had always told people that flushing was a good thing, but not always needed. Well, I finally flushed some of this for only 3 days, and it did have a smoother taste and smoke. It has not cured yes, but the smell seems nicer.

So, when in doubt, flush if you can. Flushing is good.

What I did was put a small plastic tub in my flood tray and put water with a air stone in it. That way, the plants are still under the light and fans, just drink water for the last few days. I will have some that are flushed for 5 days soon.


Active Member
I have not lost one clone in over 50. But, I can not start seeds for crap.

It looks like I just killed 3 fem Afghani Kush. I started one with a paper towel in zip-lok bag in dvd case on warmer. Put it in a phed water soaked cube once it had a tail. Put in a warm place and kept moist and dark. 2 placed in ph water soaked cube same condition, no pre germ. No luck with any it seems. GRRRRRRRR

I was told cloning was hard, seeds easy.... Well, not for me.


Active Member
Just pulled some 2 at 9 weeks with 4 more plants to go Man, who knew that trimming them was such a pain in the ass. It takes so long if you try and be careful at it. I see why some people hire trimmers.

These are small SOG plants that are some of the densest yet. I keep tweaking the plant size an shape going in to try and get the most yield.

For a change I think I will weight these when they are drying. I never look at weight, but people love to ask.

Enough of the rambling. Here are the pics.



Active Member
This time I flushed these for 5 days in a "Bubbleponics" tray with plane phd water. And they seem to have way more Thrichs then last time, but then again, these are some of the biggest I have grown in this style, so I don't know if it the bigger plants, or if it is the flushing.

I am still working at getting those Afghan Kush to srout. One broke the surface, hoping still on the other 2. Also, my last SnowWhite been is in the mix, so maybe I can get some more breeding going.

After I trim out the other 4 plants I will get some pictures of "Tramp". But SnowWhite cross. She is looking interesting so far.


Active Member
I started with SnowWhites that I screwed up, but did knock up a commercial big budded indica that was in the room.

I am proud to present Tramp.

I am still working with both of the pheno types I have so far. One very stretchy and sativa like, and one that looks like a indica. I plan on choosing one after smoking them both and looking at length of flowering and quality of smoke.

So far the tall Tramp is looking the best, but only finishing them will tell me. I do not have a picture of them side by side, but the more indica did no stretching and the sativa stretched 4 - 5 times in flowering.



Active Member
Well, just that quick it happened. My little girl grew parts and had to be pulled.

She/he smelled great and looked good, but started to hermie bad.


Active Member
Well, I finally went out and picked up a 2'x4' tray for my clones to veg in. $80, but it is so much better than the tray I was using from the hardware store.

It holds 24 plants no problem and looks so much better. I decided to veg them to 12 inches before putting them into flower and seeing how it goes.



Active Member

I added a light mover, upped the feedings to 8 times a day, clones now go in at 12 inches instead of 6 and look at the difference. The tallest plant is 23".

There is probably to much plant in there for my own good, but I have to try it just once. The next time I will try to lollipop them. I just hate cutting off bud sites.


k niner

Well, I picked up a bottle of Hygrozyme today. If it does half of what it should it will be well worth the $40.00.

Here is the game plan.

I am running a strong dose of H2O2 tonite to try and kill of some of the algea and root crap.

Tomarow I will pull a couple of plants that are at 9 1/2 weeks. All cloudy very little amber. And start tohose drying.

Clean up the tray and res. Run Hydrozyme @ 8ml per gallon with phed ro water for 2 hours straight.

Drain that, and refill with the Hydrozyme and RO water again. Run that for the next day of normal cycle.

Drain that and refill with the Hydrozyme/water, but this time add my nutes back to the mix.

I will keep changing out the mix for 5 days as suggested by some of the users on here.

If all goes well, I plan on running it at 8 ml/gallon from here on out.
Proper Use of Hydrozyme and Proper way to get rid of rotten roots.

OK - To get rid root rot you have to give the root ball a bath using CLEAREX. I do it aae every other water change or when I see root rot, brown gooey roots.

Hydrozyme is an Enzyme that is used in conjunction with yoru nutes, not by itself for 2 hours.
Step One - Prepare your nutes to the TDS you need.
Step Two - Check PH and adjust to 5.8 - 6.5
Step Three - Add Hydrozyme to water.

If you add Hydrozyme and then try to adjust your PH using PH up or down then you have killed all your Hydrozyme enzynes.

Good Luck

The DWC Expert
K Niner


Active Member
I have been using Hygrozyme the whole time... That is why the sudden decline had me puzzled.

I in crease the size of the rex., gave everything a good cleaning, and am trying to not run the Floralicious plus with the Hygrozyme.

If Hygrozyme breaks down dead matter and Floralisous is made up of composted organic then they probably should not be used together. The Hygrozyme should start breaking down the Floralicous right away.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the input.


Active Member
Well, to give you an idea of total weight both of the larger colas shown where over 1 oz each dried. OF course there is a stem in the center, but very little stick, stem, and leaf. Never a seed. 100 % female from feminized seeds.

I took all of the popcorn buds and am going to make BHO with it. So I never wieght them.

This pheno of PPP is nice!! Low odor.. Killer Sativa high, even when picked at 9 weeks. Everyone loves the social UP high it gives.

If we can help it we will keep her around forever. Maybe breed her with some of our future strains... Some of the 1 off crosses can be killer, but you must be able to clone in order to keep it going.

Alot of people say PPP stinks.. If so, then I have one weird pheno, or I am doing this totally wrong. I pull around week 9 to 10, depending on how each one looks, but it is real stable. Has never shown hermi, or not been kind to us.

And, I have taken her as far as 11 weeks. And she could have gone some more I think. So, maybe I am wasting my time, but sheezzzzz, if this is weak, real PPP may scare me.


Active Member
I forgot to mention that I just replaced my no name ppm and ph meters with Hanna handheld units. I bought the cheapest set I could find on "The Bay", $60 dollars total with shipping. But, as long as I keep up on cleaning and calibration they will be better then what I had. My "junk" ones are still working over 1 year later.