pure sativa ok for indoor grow


Well-Known Member
ok so i have some pure sativa plants that are like 4 weeks old and the are twice the size of my skunk #1 plants... are the sativas going to be to tall for my 40 inch high grow cabinet? just FIM pruned them three days ago to get them branching out and not just up.. any advice?


Well-Known Member
you only have 40 inches of height? I think you may be in trouble. from what I've gathered, pure sativas generally have flowering triggers that are not soley based on light schedules, meaning that you have have that shit way overgrowing your cabinet when you try to force flowering.


Well-Known Member
i have a couple indicas and then one sativa thats like almost 4 feet and i jus started flowering, all i did was bend the branch ( im sure u can find videos on you tube) and there doing wonderfully out of the way and everything



Well-Known Member
well crap... i guess ill kill them off as space runs out... at least my skunk #1 plants wont have that problem.. i may just keep which ever ones stay short.. one of them responded to the FIM pruning with four new shoots out the top.


Well-Known Member
Don't kill them. Just bend them and tie them.. make 'S' shapes to take up the height issue.

Read around about training the plants.. READ before posting questions.

They've already been asked.



Well-Known Member
wow thanks for being a dick about it!
Not being a dick brah. Just being real.

You REALLY don't know how many times the same questions get asked over and OVER.

The Guru's will get annoyed with you QUICK.. and YOU really don't want that.

Just sit back.. get a pot of coffee.. some bud.. and read until your head hurts.

Personally, I studied for months before planting one bag seed when I was in my teenage years. I was an A+ student in high school, I knew what it took to get the desired results.. and ya know what? I still read here and on Cannabis Culture before I ask questions.

I'm trying to help ya, but if you want to come off like that then I'll let ya sink.





Well-Known Member
well brah :peace: i have read alot (george c's grow bible) and i was asking for people's personal take on pure sativa indoors in a 40 inch tall chamber. im not trying to make the guru's you speak of mad. im just asking an f---ing question isnt that what this forum is for? next time dont be a jerk and instead just dont post at all. the end no problems. bye :spew:

sorry to others reading this. just trying to get feedback from people that HAVE grown a pure sativa indoors.:joint:


Well-Known Member
well brah :peace: i have read alot (george c's grow bible) and i was asking for people's personal take on pure sativa indoors in a 40 inch tall chamber. im not trying to make the guru's you speak of mad. im just asking an f---ing question isnt that what this forum is for? next time dont be a jerk and instead just dont post at all. the end no problems. bye :spew:

sorry to others reading this. just trying to get feedback from people that HAVE grown a pure sativa indoors.:joint:

When you said you were going to chop them down I knew you didn't know enough.. or read enough. For what it is, don't expect any more advice from me.

When you said you were going to chop them down I knew you didn't know enough.. or read enough. For what it is, don't expect any more advice from me.

o cmon now yall ! drop the egos here everything said is in our best efforts to help one another grow... physically , mentally

i thought the inital comment was well founded and true as i can testify

take no offence. i am growing my first now and it is a rather pure sativa lst bending to level auxin flow is a must, topping and fimm should be used in combination too but preferably not primarily because it does take more recovery time and growth delay from those things then bending. now in the early/mid flowering stage ive ceased thoes techniques to see what i mean check it out https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/249772-sneaky-gnome.html