pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

I am ready to stand...a hundred miles tall.... Cause fear will never lead my way.... Im ready run a hundred miles strong.... Cause things will never be the same..... Waking the lions in me!!.... Waking the lions in me.....I'm waking the lions in me!!!!...

I had to go through some dark knights of the soul....

Deflation of ego....to make sure no separation is there....the fight against the monster.... To turn it over....because it does not matter...the past...the pain...only what was learned from it.....oneness...one love....

It starts with forgiveness and love of ones self...

Only then, can you benefit others.

The more jahuwa has taught the more I know not.

I like it that way as he has no competition.

Oh now worm....tell the brothers to awake...oh now worm.... Give them a good shake....strum, puff....

Now do you see....the picture up above.....the avatar.... With leaves shaped like love......oh little horn little lion....tell them what she is.....the tree that produces fruit and wisdom and life it gives.....

Lies oh lies...supported we send them to school....oh that dajaal/Antichrist with one eye he do rule....the system itself...all of it not a man....oh if he was....they would eat right from his wicked hand.. ..strum puff.....

Oh evolution this and oh religion that....oh adulterous foods that leave us sick and fat....

Oh the t-rex they say surely ate meat...but oh jah the children do not know the hemp to him was sweet!....

Oh great father the binary comes again....purification and good triumphs evil again.....and then all will know and eat from her fruit again....and under a new red sun all of will be friends....

Oh lord of the garden...strum...don't you know your fruit....you was not god ....but jahuwa gave it to you....to plant and eat to give to Adam one day and come again to destroy the serpent one day.....puff..tear..

One love
For soon the green THC will not be the goal...for to let fruit ripen will heal young and old....

Let the gurus come and the book writers debate...the truth will crush them in the bright of day...

A worm will squat while they hoop and holler...worried to correct themselves and worried about a dollar...

White coats and long horse shit science debates do not impress me....to watch someone heal from death....now that's something to see!!!!...

For it is written , " wisdom looked for a place and could not find it" .....let's change that!!...

They shut down the wisdom the machine could have brought two generations ago over pride and ego and money...will this mistake be repeated?... Hemp world...crushed by " them" and allowed..by " us" .......

The devils spawn no longer breeds....descending angels and fallen kings...those with ears!....

That avatar is what cannabis looked like in the garden of Eden under our red binary that causes true evolution.

Oh worm you tell the brothers things they confuse on YouTube and in books and they will all debate you!

Let them...truth destroys...destroys!!...

Does Jacob not know his tree?

Does he not come every time to awaken the old ones like himself?

Hush worm and stick to the tree....oh but it all connects... How can a worn speak of one and it not lead to another.

Your enslavers do not allow me to post videos to help the willing.

They know I speak truth and it will crush them.

Their feeble attempt to stop the truth through this repeat in technology will avail them nothing.

The old ones will awaken and the darkness driven out for good.

These dispensary out here listen to nothing and will not even sit down with me.

Why? Because their guru or boyfriends or head growers don't know and run down life saving info.

Its ego..period.

Kids fed shit, then get sick and then sent to some smart ass in a white coat to fry them to death.

This info stops that and eating correctly.

We do not pass down bad genes, we pass down terrible habits and unbelievable horse shit beliefs based on fear and ego.

Just like 40 years of bad info being passed down one from another concerning this cursed fruit tree.

That is correct, I talk to those that have been growers as long as I have been alive and my language is foreign to them.

I have even told many out here " you want the credit and pats on the back for the info...take it!!...I want people to live!!"

Could care less about wearing a pretty leather jacket with a couple hot chick on a magazine cover to be the next jack ass guru.

Me and Aisha actually love people and yet we are very blunt.

Why? Because like me in my life some are very hard headed and you can't tickle the ears...my teachers sure did not tickle mine, they gave it straight, whether cry baby liked it or not, period.

Then they would look at me and say " what are you going to do boy, whip my ass?!"

You may whip my ass they would say, but you got to prove me wrong.

I miss those ole boys that are not afraid to rebuke a jack ass when needed.

I took it and learned.

Just like when knowing came concerning this tree, I grew it piss poor wrong also but when enlightenment came I did not get puffed up over it.

I applied it and I lived...period.

One love
And the leaves of the tree shall be the healing of the nations! ...written...

Indeed and you doctors juicing it is not enough ole beans! ..

You have to activate the leaves cannabinoids.

We don't want to get high!

Well bless your little ole hearts then I guess you don't get the full healing then do you?/.

People waste and dispensary waste leaves like trash and they heal almost everything.

Stop the chemical nonsense.

You will have to water cure everything before making medicine.

Oh the chemicals make it potent.

When my crop is done I will send those joints out and then you whom get them can come back shaking and damned near blacked out and tell everyone how potent revs old school genes grown in piss is.

You take your leaves and decarb them in the oven at 275 for one hour.

Then sit in alcohol 4 hours and strain and boil off for paste.

That paste will cure much and including internal and external hemorrhoids.

You can smoke it also.

Every part of this tree useful and the leaves important because you can get those at any time and in any outdoor climate as well.

In fact! You that like to cut early, well your leaf paste will offset the negative mental effects of early THC.

Sounds like those leafs are pretty important.
One love
Oh and the best part is everyone becomes a self ....self healer and the jack asses in the big pharma will be crushed...for good.

See, you ripen that bud and or use leaves only...you don't fail their miserable drug tests and you will actually feel like getting off of a stoned ass and being productive.

See, they don't like the rev because it indeed will put many out of business.

Cry me a damned river!!!

It will keep people out of dirt holes but they also must walk away from the filth they eat!

Like ole fat boy here had to..no exception.

Truth, they depend on the truth being shut down by the very people that god oops sends the message to.

Nothing new under the suns.

I tell them, my personality, my red cap, my breathe, eccentricity... Does not matter.

How much does it take to prove a man right or wrong! ..not much.

Old mom realized that.

If i am wrong, he will tell you and yes he will be pissed.

If I am correct, he will also tell you and he will.

Then what?

John says ha ha! I told you so!

Nope, not at all... I will simply say, now brothers and sisters let's go from being the best growers in the world to the best healers in the world.

Only thing as good as helping yourself and those you love is helping someone that may cannot grow their own.

When free, there will be enough for everyone.

No dispensary needed, just good neighbors.

We see why they don't like you john!

Indeed, however this tree was not meant to be a business.

The medicine is free and to make things with it is to barter....that equals freedom for man and beast's.

Sounds like a dream until you see the reality.

Just a few years ago everyone said nobody can grow cannabis in aquaponic.

Well you see the pics.

Hemp, that is what makes Eden.

Was I to take wisdom and start a new Illuminati?

I am being very real here.

For me and my select to choose whom has brains enough to hear and indoctrinate?

The decent man pours it out on young and old to help the little ones coming.

So that those that do hear can help.

Help leave them a goodly place.

They will rule themselves for " them" will be gone.. Oops.

One love
When I took my Malawi Gold to the local dispensary they didn't want it because it didn't smell like Skunk or OG. They don't understand the magic!
They don't understand and seem to not even want to try.

No e-mails do they answer either.

So I am telling them, I am going to the people.

What people?

The ones that hate the tree.

Why? Because once they know all negative effects are caused by the growers not knowing what they are growing, they will understand and put the pressure on.

Especially when I hand out joints that are golden and rip their pineal glands out of their skulls all day long and use oil to heal their kids.

They will come for you!

Yes, but only once, I will leave it at that.

That is why I had to bring this out, for lifez for freedom and now that my own personal horse shit has been battled, I am ready and have absolutely no fear anymore.

I look at these kids lost as hell and I can't back down.

I promise you all one thing, understanding this trees true history is to finally understand your own and all those secrets and more that your blue tie wearing enslavers do not want you to know.

This cannabis info is just the milk and yet unreal important and overlooked by others indeed that just ran off of others work to make a dollar and sound like a guru and the kids buy it because elders dead and the net is everyone's go to source and if not on the net, then surely not true.

Horse........shit.....half truths, that you will indeed find plenty of....real unadulterated truth, hardly ever and never on YouTube for that format scares the hell out of them for their own junk indeed works against them.

Back to the dispensary, I look at all their pretty leaf charts and bogus crap info they have on the walls and they have no desire to be corrected.

They will be...

The truth will not be pushed aside or shot in the head or put in a hole this time.

Let an anger build and it will.

Not a violent anger, a righteous anger.

Let it burn like fire and speak it with authority and if you offended with love, you did your job.

One love
Now back to growing.

Now why did I use these bottom feeding pots in the main pond instead of trays?

Well, simple answer.

Even though for instance this Zacatecas has ten gallons of roots in the pond, it still after being topped a few times can only spread its roots so far in the pot.

This should allow the trees done this way to produce allot of bud in a smaller package.

If I used trays , one tree would take over everything and of course I would like to do more than one tree.

Now the puerta vallarta and Acapulco gold have their sumps so rooted out I have to every couple weeks pull the hoses as the roots even grow down the hoses insane.

So, you want giant trees this way its the same as dirt growing.

Give a bigger tray and you get even bigger trees.

However I like to concentrate much bud in smaller package.

The par from t5 is really good and I must say the best growth has been mixing 4100 and 6500k.

All the way through you get your yields and quality and they will die for the healing cannabinoids.

Now, as I have mentioned to the dispensary, there is ways to shorten ripen time.

By using 4100k until the buds build and then switch to 14000k.

Or if t5 like me, simply take out one of the 6500 and put in one actinic blue to speed it up.

Cuts weeks off and no lose of quality, just no 14000k tubes in t5 as that's much too much par and will kill them to quickly.

In led, just set em up opposite or go with all 5000k like old mom and you will have it all.

Anyone that ever tries the beach 14000k can use it straight through and the light does great for yield and quality and kills them fast but not too fast.

One loveIMG_20180221_092457.jpg
I can hear my old mentors now, gonna have to cut her back!

Ya, I know, was hoping the par would hold her but waiting on the blue agave has me pushed.

If I have to cut her top back, then now is the time and she will have a few weeks to regrowth new branches by the time we flower.

I tell you those agave are finicky trees and they don't like wet feet and small trees.

However they are so freaking good!

Like smoking tequila and you will find yourself chasing your wife like a kid and her you also.

The Hopi grow blue agave and I would love to get them some of these as they would Cherish and keep pure all I would give that is.

They grow things in the desert most could not, true green thumbs pahana taught them to be.

One loveIMG_20180221_092549.jpg
Defoliation works best when topping and creating bushes.

Do not take fan leaf until new branch fully forms is the key.

Then you get to collect lots of leaves and lots of bud later.

This Acapulco red had been topped and new branches formed so no need for those flopping fan leaves, they did their job and created new branches, so now they can go to strengthen the branches as they grow further.

Timing is everything with defoliation or no you stunt them, once learned proper like anything else, it is child's play.

One loveIMG_20180215_080515.jpg IMG_20180219_152825.jpg
If any aquaponic brothers and sisters are thinking " oh revs trees look nice cause they have dual dirt rootzones," you are wrong...smile.

Only the puerta vallarta and Acapulco gold came out of two gallon root balls of dirt and they was shaved and placed in river sumps to root in, all the rest came out of Dixie cups of pearlite.

If it works, it works and all the food they get comes from the pond.

No deficiency, none.

And ole rev only uses a little molasses once a month and a little piss once a month.

You build an environment with algae and all.

The hemp based algae produced is insane healthy and would cure most diseases.. Indeed.

Sterile horse shit environment can barely produce lettuce.

Build a real environment with hemp and you can grow anything except maybe blueberries as they must have acidic soil and I hope to crack the code on those or find of course someone whom has.

They use to scream cannabis can't grow in alkaline .

Horse........ Shit.....smile.

Hard alkaline water seems to be doing just fine.

You get wounded, you can splash this tank water on the boo boo and it heals super fast and clean.View attachment 4093729 View attachment 4093729 View attachment 4093729

One love
Many have heard worms are key.

They are, however you need them in the tank under substrate as well.

Too many run plain tanks overcrowded with fish.

I like my fish, so I give them space and hemp and lamb.

The worms take care of the rest.


You have to put in a container that has scraps from the pond itself.

Let it build the bad stuff.

Why? It helps release the iron.

If your tank is well circulated , the little bit of bad bacteria from the container does not hurt as its not like a hydrogen sulfide release and worms prevent that also.

I teach... Eat the shrubs, not the fish!

That way you show folks how to create something beautiful to enjoy and not just a cramped space with cramped fish.

Two adult pirahna and a few danios and tiger barbs run this whole thing just fine as once again the food is key.

There is no formulated food on earth that compares with hemp.


One love
Definitely getting the roots going the little agave is.

Two weeks gotta flower.

Have not topped the Acapulco again so probably will have a battle but we shall figure it later when flowering .

After this my clones will replace each time and be more consistent as these bushes of course have different ages on them but first six months is just getting one of these systems a bit mature and ready to go as this one now is.

Yes you can cycle in a few weeks but maturing and time is what really counts on a system like this...patience... Just like ripening jahs fruit.

After a year, you can drop a seed of anything in it and watch it go.

One loveIMG_20180224_062359.jpg IMG_20180224_062547.jpg IMG_20180224_062520.jpg
Puff...strum....what's in your head....in your head...zombie ..zombie...zombie..

Took a long time to understand what cranberries meant in this song..an awakening...

Indeed oh jah ...they ate the best of the wheat...few understand oh yes...what that truly means....strum.... Leave us in our box ..oh with our thoughts leave us alone...while we believe dajaal ...the one eyed man in our home...

Marley said they kill our prophets while others stand and look.....strum....he even told them....they try and fulfill the book!!.

Another cycle here and the last one indeed...the time the truth is known and the entitled brought to their knees....

Under the trees again...all here will stand and look...they will truly see....god had another book...strum...puff

One love
week 11 or 12..bud colours a changing and still stacking.

very unique bud structure..

fan leaves still intact

3000k maybe abit ahead of 5000k leds..both look similar

looking regal......will see this through
You will do well and they have a ways to go brother.

Your par from the 5000 is great and even my little panel you sent is one kick ass little light.

Once you start seeing them die back like this you are starting to get somewhere.

Even at this point however they still got time to go as this tree is just now getting first stage ripe..still has two more stages to go.

Buds top to bottom will harden and loose smell once truly rich in THC and no leaves.

Then true cbd red begins.

Whole tree will at second stage eat the rest of its green and sucker leaves and swell more until fully red.

Then the whole tree inside and out will be red.

At that point it continues to decarb to gold.

50% red 50% gold is perfect.

That's right all you white coats we sent to school!!

At that point you have a ripened fruit for that is what cannabis is!!!

Then you heal your bodies and the mind for indeed mental illnesses is rampant and especially with those with blue ties and hair receding lines that the sheep put in power and love.

This trees freedom is the start of everyone's freedom.

Horse shit egos and concerns for money will not stop truth this time..nor a hole or a bullet...smile.

Your almost there old mom and then you will sound much like ole rev when that pineal of yours gets torn wide open...and it will.. Rev
week 11 or 12..bud colours a changing and still stacking.

very unique bud structure..

fan leaves still intact

3000k maybe abit ahead of 5000k leds..both look similar

looking regal......will see this through
The first puff I had of the western Oaxaca above ripened proper I immediately raised my hands to god and wept.

Old school ripened up will completely release your mind.

This is what they fear.

It helps tear down the veil and gives long life when eaten and you stop eating shit.

I can take the biggest asshole on earth and give them cannabinoids " real ones!!" And watch them cry like babies and ask for their god.

The answer was in front of all the whole time.

However you can't grow something its best if you know not what it is.

Now everyone can know.

Remember, I growed it piss poor also..had to learn.

God is good to teach the sinner.

A slammed head to the floor with some snot and tears screaming like a dying and heart broken child seems to go a long way with god.

Worked for me...he simply said...i am here worm..ask.

IMG_20170218_085423.jpg Once again, even this Zacatecas is just now getting rich in THC in this picture.

Looks like pure shit don't she???

That's how they are supposed to start looking when they are becoming true ripened fruit full of life giving cannabinoids.

Looks like the guy they call " Mr THC " and others like him will be looking for jobs at the quickly mart.

Damned right I'm pissed!

They want to stack bodies through wars and food and all sorts of falsehoods... Chemtrails... Oh the list goes on!

Oh we are to busy with our jobs and own thoughts to be concerned with such things and we send them to school so when we get sick we can go to them instead of the rock of truth.

Kids dying and suffering and I know suffering as I was not spared the pain!

Release the tree and the earth and people will heal.

However I know all of you oh ye blue ties!

You depend on the sheep themselves to not listen and destroy the truth!

Old plans still work the best huh?

Just like keeping truth off of YouTube.

It will avail nothing soon enough.

A generation of narcissistic being ruled by sociopaths and worse.

A narcissistic can change...how?..... Pain...and plenty of it, trust me...I know.

The others cannot change and never will.

Their hour is soon and freedom for the rest.

This trees freedom is part of it.

Videos of parents giving their children Simpson oil after being fried and then take the kid to mcdeaths for a happy meal!!!!!

Wake up!!!!

.....he is observing the chaos and the lack of our humanity... Its as if the entire world has fallen in love....with their insanity!!!....

hey Rev, good to see you around again :)

I've been thinking of finishing plants alot lately, and it makes me wonder.
I can see all you're talking about with these landrace strains!

But what about hybrid strains bred for our current day, hi-intensity, indoor, rushed, type of grows?
Do you think the benefits of slow finishing could still be had - though yeah, probably depending on the strain?

It was actually a "newfangled" auto strain that got me thinking of this (Mephisto Cosmic Queen, which is Spacedawg(TGA) x Chemdogging - in case that says anything useful). She gives me the impression I could just let her go on and on in terms of ripening (new growth is coming to a halt now, but has this unfinished "air" about her, even though she's well past the breeder's cycle times of 65-75 days - from what I've seen, she only finishes that quickly in lo humidity synthetics-fed small pots too though).

I had to chop the first plant because I was totally out of meds, but the second, I could (and probably will) let go for another while.
2018-03-01_day86 (2).JPG day 86 from sprout

Any intuitions you may have on this are most welcome!
hey Rev, good to see you around again :)

I've been thinking of finishing plants alot lately, and it makes me wonder.
I can see all you're talking about with these landrace strains!

But what about hybrid strains bred for our current day, hi-intensity, indoor, rushed, type of grows?
Do you think the benefits of slow finishing could still be had - though yeah, probably depending on the strain?

It was actually a "newfangled" auto strain that got me thinking of this (Mephisto Cosmic Queen, which is Spacedawg(TGA) x Chemdogging - in case that says anything useful). She gives me the impression I could just let her go on and on in terms of ripening (new growth is coming to a halt now, but has this unfinished "air" about her, even though she's well past the breeder's cycle times of 65-75 days - from what I've seen, she only finishes that quickly in lo humidity synthetics-fed small pots too though).

I had to chop the first plant because I was totally out of meds, but the second, I could (and probably will) let go for another while.
View attachment 4098734 day 86 from sprout

Any intuitions you may have on this are most welcome!
Great bush!

Let her go!

Think no more of their pitiful early THC ripening times old soul!

The longer you let her go the more healing you will get .

All the strains will ripen and some indica's the dutch and Spain and others have will do it fast just like my sandman kill a man strain.

However the landrace has a balance only god can give and the southern Mexican destroys mental illnesses and makes a mans penis point in the right direction for if that points down so is your life.

All will heal the diseases if given time.

Few know how to recognize the real deals anymore and I want to try my best to preserve with the help of brothers like old mom, however make no mistake they all grown proper will kick cancer and inflammation diseases clean in the ass!

Old mom is just right around the corner from finding that feeling he has not had since he had pretty hair and sold tie dyes at the local fare lmao...