pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Yes the jalisco bamboo made a great perch for junior between the alpines.

The little fart will have a hay day come seeding ..as long as he don't get greedy he can have a few... Might as well give nature its do even in my indoor vanity.

Laughing.. Gods good...rev
So what makes a worm like ole rev?

Puff...pain..death..then seeing the light that few have seen.

Sounds like you got it made rev and have arrived!

When I arrive, the rest will arrive.

I watched too many die and seen those things men are not supposed to see, learned things men are not supposed to learn.

I was like all the rest before 2009.

Thought I knew some shit and talked to others that thought they knew some shit.

Did some reading, watched conspiracy horse shit...had a little talk with Jesus to make it right...kept slipping into darkness and more horse shit than one can wade through.

By 2010 my last grow was posted here and some god named jahuwa spoke to me and told me he was the father of all things and that he was one and never had a son or became a man to save me from my pitiful foolishness.

On my face I screamed and cried with a broken heart and contrite spirit and asked him...what saves! ....I am a dead man...what saves!?

He said...what you are doing now, saves.

No sacrifice did I ever require than the sacrifice of your heart and pride and then not to commit great sin?

Freewill has been horribly abused...use restraint...govern thyself and be an example to others and love and do no harm, stand for no falsehoods and know I am with you.

I can't be perfect!

No you cannot, no worm was or is...I do not like competition worm.

You will by grace restrain from those great sins and show others.

I curse at times and get angry quickly!

Yes I see all of your folly that stems from fear...and I will heal you..in my time, I will heal you David, even from the women folly.

Listen to your heart worm and let it guide you to wisdom.

I will spill it on people that do not want it or appreciate it and will even despise it!

Yes, you will oh maggot and cause yourself grief as times before for they will even be angry and jealous when you say you have spoken with me as they also proclaim to know me and yet only know of me in false pretenses.

I will show you what you need to know as you go through occultation and cleanse of fear.

They will hate and come to tear me to pieces and those I love!

Did I not say...I am is with you?

They will only try it once...done..

....puff...when that among other things happens to a man...it changes him...forever.

No going back to ignorance and being comfortable with others like I use to be.

It may be gruel soup and dark caverns in Zion ..but at least it is real.

I like real..puff....I prefer it.

" the show" has went on a long time and those that put it on and act and portray in it will soon have an hour of understanding.

Until then...restraint, love, no harm, grow trees, love those in front of you and let not darkness consume for it hates the light.

Forgive oneself and others and teach the babies well.

Make the good things of old become new again.

So much forgotten because they do not want it remembered.. Those that rule.

To remember is their biggest fear.

If all remember and apply , they cannot be controlled.

As written... They die from lack of knowledge, however when it is given they despise.

Yes, because your preacher and rabbi and shiek and guru do not understand this true knowledge.

They know not his name and the poor old rastas put his name on a man....repent of this quickly you sons of Solomon... Quick!!!

He will show no partial...

What is true wisdom?

To be terrified of jah is wisdom.

To love the children is next in line with your wife and why darkness and the damned Antichrist television work hard to steer people the opposite.

Been there, done that.

Hey honey tell them kids to shut the hell up by god ..Goldberg's fixin to wrestle Hollywood hogan ...by god....go get my fat ass my favorite bag of chips and process cheese!!! ...by god!

And yet...he forgave and I went to him without any false pretense taught...no Jesus..no Muhammad... Just him....father.

So yes, puff...I am a bit eccentric however by grace I love and do no harm except to me at times and I am learning I am important also.

Many are taught not to love themselves correctly.

Love starts with ones self.

One love, ends it all.

Well it seems my junior needed a partner and her name is sativa.

Sativa was so stressed like poor little junior.

Ole rev simply showed them love and let them drink and bathe in the river sump.

Why the sump?

Same reason I do, good digestion from living waters.

When animals stressed " even us " our gut loads go nuts.

This must come back in balance and stress removed to recover... The water helps this and remember rev uses no chemicals and not only do I have sumps that make polished water but also probably over 50 pounds of roots in this ecosystem.. Good water.

So now sativa has joined the family and junior showing her the ropes.

Junior told Aisha in her dream that he was happy with sativa and that he loved us for thinking of him.

They bring great joy to us and love hanging at the pond.

Have worked with many animals and yet have not had a bird since my prince Hahn's macaw 20 years ago.

Had my boy on his outside perch and my little girl spooked him and he flew off.

Broke my heart.

I rescued him and he was an insane feather plucking case.

Love and time and he came around beautiful.

All it takes.

Junior and sativa are still babes however as they get older their diet will expand a bit however hemp primary so they can live long with mom and dad....

Some think best not to fool with new acquired birds until they settle...horse shit.

Let rev make it clear...you approach me with love at my most vulnerable and show me no harm...we brothers.

Same with birds.

These two within days of settling in will now ride around on dads back while I do my deal.

Birds are a responsibility and one that must be considered before getting one.

However they bring great joy and the budgie is hard to beat.

They both seem to like to eat the skin on the cannabis stalks I gave them...smart birds!

If old mcrev had a farm I would have happy creatures as the health knowledge applies to them as well.

Trees stretched good but par maintained them so they are just now setting bud hairs a bit at 12 days.

These pond bushes I will only take 50% red.


Its good medicine at that point and especially if using leaves also, you just don't pass drug tests.

However number one reason is this has and is becoming a ecosystem and I don't want to disturb and pull out all those roots later that will have fish eggs and all later.

At 50% red 50% milk, you can still reveg and have good medicine.

Past that and they will not reveg.

That way I keep this pond solid and can do some in the closet in between reveges and take the bud on those to the even better 50% red 50% gold.

Should work good and make it even more simple.

Revs birthday again today and I thank god for another.

Much I have learned through pain and yet I am ready for " this to shall pass."

Many are.

One love

You want to know what bonded me and junior instant?

That boy went to my river sump and I told him not to get close to the sump return pipe and stay to the side and bathe off the stones.

Well like any hard headed kid he decided to " ride the slide!"

So down the PVC pipe the boy went and daddy's hand was at the other end to get the boy before Bruce and Betty came to investigate... Rolling

So he learned and it put me and junior on good terms.

Yes birds can drown however no worries as budgies get the point quick so he only bathes in the river now if dad is there and I keep my hand near the pipe...smart boy.

Same with my cactus and spiked agave in the window.

They must learn and have already.

They make now a straight shot from their roost to the pothos next to the agave.

However now they have another cannabis stalk to perch on in the window lol.

They love it and not much else to concern with other than fussing with our neighbors cockatoo lol.

Old souls around here and you walk down our hall and its animal planet if birds and kids get going.

That's what life is about.

You love these budgies and no reason to ever have their roost door shut.

When they want to go home, they go home.

If they want to go and hang next to the pond or whatever they just do it.


Well the revs a clean person and here is the deal as old mom would probably agree.

They have " spots" outside of their roost they like to hang " the most."

Simply put a tissue under those spots and your good 95%.

Those two was on me a long time yesterday and popped one tiny poop on dad.

They try to have respect for sure.

That's another good about budgies is small poops.

There only cheap because there is a zillion of them and yet compared to any other birds I have been around they are hilarious and smart companions.

Yawn, goodnight again..rev
Well this one shot to the moon...its the dwc basket allowing total freedom for the roots.

Yes bending will be done however as the buds develop she will probably bend herself.

The ones in the pond have their pots cramed with roots and was definitely screaming ..flower us.

If they all reveg later they will all be oak trees as they are 80% bark now.

Nursing the gold and got another Jalisco bamboo going.

Old mom if he grows those pure Jalisco bamboo organic next time he will see a whole new tree.

Another story on the impact of pulling ones head out of ones ass and showing love.

Went to bird rescue yesterday.

Got a blue and gold macaw female named ralphy and 26 years young.

Ralphy likes nobody and is a feather plucker..she will nail you good.

The caretaker looked at me and said you think your hemp diet and love can change her..go for it..she needs a good home but likes nobody.

So I approached her and took a breath and let out light and love while my friend David tended to other people there.

Within minutes she came out and over her cage and down to her perch where I stood.

Everyone stopped and my friends face turned red and me and him wept.

She allowed me to love on her and showed no aggressive behavior at all and if I walked away she called for me and even imitate my goofy laugh.


Nobody could believe... She chose me as is meant.

So now rev is going to spend time with her and me and wife make decision.

She would be like a new bird in a year.

See even a bird can do what men cannot... Look into ones heart.

See for instance ole rev is cutting a wisdom tooth in my forties and you not knowing me may meet me on a bad day and think me an asshole because we cannot see one another's hearts until we know one another.

A bird will look into your soul immediately and know if your an asshole or not.

She seen mine and I cried because I wish people could do the same.

One love, revIMG_20180701_060212.jpg
Yawn, well everything looking good and about a month in.

This Acapulco in the dwc is a beast and as you can see I have done bending pretty much daily on her.

Will be interesting and as always things will be learned good and bad.

Well, we decided to take a bird but another one came across our paths.

Mr chuckie.

Chuckie is 15 year old green wing macaw and he is beautiful and perfect except a couple things.

He was raised by a man that went crazy and locked him in a room with cockatoos that was starved and killed one another in front of chuckie.

As it would anyone it caused chuckie to have emotional problems and epilepsy as chuckie has grand mal seizures that can really knock him a loop.

My faith in god and wisdom of healing I knew could cure him with love and time.

Just like it did us and other animals I have worked with.

So we knew first his diet had to get better.

So chuckie has been eating hemp and super foods especially coconut and he has become strong already and seizures getting better.

However I wanted to take it further and of course to post this on a bird forum would only get me bashed again as ole rev likes breaking ground and pissing closed minded folks off...I love it!

So yesterday morning for whatever reason chuckie got hit hard with several seizures and daddy's heart broken.

Allah " father jahuwa " said to heart " blow smoke in his face."

Chuckie was exhausted from the seizures and had not eaten a thing.

So I loaded glass slipper with some pure cannabinoid leaf paste in a bong and puffed a thick cloud right on my boy and it covered him like a halo " hey if you going to give a hit, give a hit."

He shook his head and those ole pupils dialated and two minutes later he was eating.. No shit

Then a seizure tried to come on and my boy shook it off quick and spent all day outside his roost with us showing his pretty wings in flight displays.

Vets and doctors are good when something is broken and that is it!!

Take control of your own health and your pets and learn wisdom you can't find in the dajaal schools.

We buy them books and send them to school and all they want is the latest iPod.



Free the damned tree or he will you shit eating pecker heads!

Free it to grow everywhere and make some of the wrongs right.

Of course that would take love and empathy and those two things are not in your natures, only to wear blue ties and speak horse shit with forked tongue.

And many indeed still eat it all up like doritos and bean dip...

That hour will not tarry much longer and then all gone it will be.

No they have no idea what I speak and you turds depend on that also.

It will avail you nothing soon.

MuhammadIMG_20180714_054006.jpg IMG_20180712_082941.jpg IMG_20180711_180708.jpg
Hilarious is what junior did the first few days of chuckie arrival and what ms sativa did.

Junior got jealous and seen how strong chuckie is shredding wood like butter and pulling at the roost bars as they do to strengthen beak.

Well the boy must have thought sativa was impressed because junior for three days straight did his little strength display and preened on sativa until he turned her into a puff ball...hilarious.

Finally sativa herself took all she could take as she of course has no interest in chuckie and loves junior greatly.

So she finally gave junior a bit of an ass whipping and whipped him clean out of the roost for bugging her to absolute death for three days straight.

Lmao..so junior became so pitiful in his gravelling to her that she herself flies out of roost to make up with him.

Better than any TV I laughed till I hurt and Aisha also.

Needless to say he gets the point and yesterday evening they flew to the hemp perch in window to watch the sun go down with chuckie.

They tweet and chuckie bellows and between all the hilarity and sometimes madness by the grace of god go I like any worm.

One love, rev
So many things this tree heals..

The earth itself it can heal from the organisms and worms in the soil to the things that eat it and shit it out to the air and rivers and streams and creatures..

Poor bloodlines and blue tie entitlement scum care nothing of the health of the people and the earth or their masters at the top of the pyramid...

Born 100 years to soon I was told.

How about 100 years too late.

Now even basic knowledge is laughed at while many wait eagerly for their " schooled" to release the next great advancements.... Yet life expectancy goes down...don't let the shit asses fool you or even try to school you!!....few still listen Bob, even though they know the words to every song...

The meanings flee them...even though they could learn now as they could have then...

Pass the hot dogs and don't forget to pick up little billy a tide bowl at the dollar store and a big Mac!!!!!! ...

Horse shit!!..

Release the tree and all those in holes for using it and you shit eating pecker heads in those blue uniforms better stop enforcement of their bullshit laws for the code has been forgotten and the true law will be delivered soon enough!!....

All this new stuff is not new... All a pitiful repeat...

Here that? ..that's the master of the house coming and he will not be pleased...

That big truth is on the way and how funny it will be to watch the wise tremble.... And they will..

To fear the father is the only true wisdom and to take self responsibility for ones nonsense for all here was given freewill and god changes not..he is one...one..

The darkness will soon be no more for those willing to give love and empathy to others.. Light will come..

To those that refuse and continue in folly..including me as he is not partial.


They will pray for a fake hell.

Payback is much worse than a fiery flame..

Seventy times seven.

Did Moses not tell... If you are going to enslave them at least feed them the best and allow them good health for little is built on the backs of sick slaves you dumb mother.....@#*

One love

Always entertaining Rev. even if I do not understand all or agree. Glad to hear the bird is doing better. I always feel sorry for animals more than people, well unless the person is exceptional and the animal is mean or heartless.

I am going a little against your ways, I am taking the plants early to get the effects I want. I had a Original Haze x Lambsbread and nibbled a bit at 11 week, not done at all. I had visuals, saw stationary stuff from just outside the center of focus that appeared to be blowing in the wind. Harvested it at 13.5 weeks and while it was relaxing and 'done' the trip was gone as far as visuals.

Right now the Cambodian x Thai might be in the lead for high. Nothing for 5 minutes after smoking, then ramps up for 10 minutes. If I do not limit myself I can get a uncomfortable high, cause there is no immediate effect at all. Thai is creeper and strong. Laid back and went into a half sleep state that was like a trance.

I acquired a 1976 Guerrero line from Swami and will try a couple beans in my new grow. Also running a Central Mexican x Oaxacan, and will run the Jarilla, which is a old Mexican sativa

The Thai/Cambodian hill tribes and the Mexican mountain Indians or indigenous people used pot as a spiritual tool. They bred their plants to give insight into the other side
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Not important to agree as all horse shit and truths will reveal themselves in time.

Only important to love and be love.

The rest will find its place.

Work those old school and harvest as you please.

Once again, every stage has something to offer, however the further cannabinoids stages are what heal just like the leaf paste and allows healing without failing drug tests.

This is important to the person whom is dying and wants to live and return to work and their lives without fearing the man.

That simple.

All else is preference.

My trees will be harvested 50% red to allow me to reveg and its good healing medicine at that point and especially when you use the leaves as well.

However 50% red 50% gold is my favorite.

Every week in ripening has a different effect on the mind.

You just have to find what works for each person if mind stimulating or trippy is what you want.

If you want healing from diseases however THC stages are just not powerful enough as I have seen many times.

Cannabinoids destroy cancer and inflammation diseases and many people and animals are dying from these things and could give a shit about a trippy high if they knew the later stages would cure them.

Most don't, they will in time and then healing can come for those that need it.

When I blow THC bud in chuckies face it did not stop his seizures.

When I smoked leaf paste " pure cannabinoids " and blowed in his face the seizures stopped.

God parted the ocean once and five minutes later everyone forgot and bitched for chicken.

Its just human nature .

It just really is...oh boy.

One love, Rev
For you researchers and scientist and doctors and vets.

Why do you think the " entitled" still keep the tree schedule 1?

They know the rev speaks truth...every word.

And why I get no video channel to speak.

As if that will stop Allah's truth.

Pitiful fools, truly pitiful.

Oh nobody gives a shit about your thread of truth rev!!

Your right, most do not..they never did.

However there is one that knows the hearts of men and he knows how to sway without taking freewill and this message will get to them by his direction, not mine.

You took an oath to do no harm.

Indeed and now all codes have been broken and why should anyone give a shit?

You need to stand...all of you...all of us for these kids or the Allah everyone has forgotten and been taught false pretenses of...that jahuwa.. That Jehovah... Father will take vengeance for them as promised.

His last words was not the words of him turning into a man to die and save our pitiful asses.

He told in his last words what would save our lives from the worse judgement ever known.

And yes, oh indeed yes you blue tie wearing hair receeding lines and your masters have already gotten your warning...as always!

Your eccentric rev and you say words like " shit" and " dammit" and other choice words in your delivery and why should we stand or listen or do anything at all?

You hurt religions feelings and insight frustration in people!

Religion will be destroyed and if people's feelings get hurt over anything that is of truth than so be it for nothing is new under the binary suns!

Life and healing and truth has got to be more important than anyone's pitiful me feelings or any loss of vanity and all is vanity.

Even if your lifestyle goes back to the trailer park you will at least have your dignity and when gods hour comes he will consider you as you did others.


Stand for its complete freedom.

To grow any place it can and yes that includes the schoolyards and all patches of grass that can sprout a seed.

You cannot make a business of the tree of god!

We already have! What are you going to do about it John!

Nothing, just warn, he will do the rest.

Now, for the last words of god to all all all all all people and that includes the religious that teach false pretenses.

You ready...oh ye doctor, lawyer, vet, business man, preacher boy, shiek, rabbi, guru, hot dog maker, cashier, desk clerk, ...all people?

" and I will send eliyahu the Mahdi and he will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the children's hearts back to their fathers or else I will strike the earth and become terrible to them."

You poor children holding to YouTube conspiracy, you say again the earth is flat like many many other horse shit and you look into planet x and nemesis and aliens and everything one can imagine and you will argue your bullshit to the point of near violence.

Flat, square, triangle...it still belongs to jahuwa and he will soon remind of that with all the above and more while your rulers and billionaire are pulled from their holes and tunnels like the maggot dust they are!


Oh but we drink and dance and plan and plot and scheme another day.

Yes indeed another morning we are still here wiping the pork grease from our chins!

Indeed your god you try and scare us of has given yet another day!

Yes and a few more also you will be given and then suddenly without any notice or knowledge the spoons will drop from the chins for the last time.

As always.

Then that ole terrible high pitch screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth will occur and the people will know as the leaders that they was warned and heeded not.

Too late then.

The children call will be answered and they will no longer be raised in a world of dumb asses!

They will inherit it...them alone...only them...let me repeat for especially the religious hard head...only them!

Blunt enough?

Another reminder for those that cling to their false pretenses.

" I jahuwa do not change!!!"


One love,

You boys in blue enforcing their horse shit laws and causing harm will soon reap the whirlwind!

You better get on your faces and show humility to the one on the throne or he will surely deliver to your asses what you delivered to others!

Many of you already have a hard time squeezing your fat asses into those uniforms so when the hour comes you will not run very far and your artillery will avail you nothing.

A good officer is an officer of peace and helps keep the peace by showing a example to others by their proper behaviour and treatment of all things great and small around them.

Anything less than this and you are just a paid thug for the pecker heads that write your paychecks!

You don't like that boys and girls in blue you can come talk to rev about it.

Not hard to find.

Cooked organic cookies two months ago one morning for two fine officers that know the lord and seen the revs heart.

They agreed.

All scum needs to be taken out and good and decent peace officers have a more difficult job now than ever.

I tell them, fear the father with tears and trembling and no weapon forged against you will prosper.. Be content with your pay and do not take your work home with you.

Love your families, be an example even in these days.

Love and do no harm.

One love, rev
Our chuckie only had two mild seizures yesterday morning.

That's down from one every two hours just eight days ago.

Yesterday evening I also noticed his urates was beautiful and golden.

He spent yesterday evening talking his head off and playing and no seizures came.

He will cure, just like we have and all can that apply.

No vets, no spending thousands of dollars...wisdom only.

This bird is being cured of epilepsy and bad infections with no horse shit medication!!

Gods wisdom as written can take a man without a high school diploma and put him above the schooled!

How did you do it rev?

Just like what I have tried to teach on other subjects I will give you the short common sense answer.

And it applies to people and animals.

Chuckie not only got epilepsy but severe stressed from his experience he had prior to coming here and infection.

Also nutrition sucked.

So rev knew from jahs teachings that chuckie would have imbalance in gut and that had to be addressed quick to help build back immune system along with good food.

So revs pond served the purpose of rebalancing his gut by him drinking the water from it.

Antibiotics would have killed good and bad and not allowed any natural immunity to build and would have screwed him later in life if ever hit again.

Also knew he needed good fats and food.

So I slammed him hard with virgin coconut oil and hemp among other foods.

Popped his ass into a bird detox like we did.

To rebuild my little rainbow chicken.

Gave him puffs of cannabis every four hours to help with discomfort.

He was so fiesty yesterday I did not even see any reason to give him his puffs and still no seizures.

Love, good food and cannabis is the way you become your own miracle without asking jah to burn the bush for you!

Good ole country common sense is becoming rare and must resurface if people want healing and cured.

One love, rev
He also does not like vacuum so I have to teach him if he don't like the vacuum to not make big messes as rev will not live in a dump so he is learning.

Granny use to say " a poor man can still be a clean man."

Yes and why everyone wanted to live at grannies and most of what she had was given to her, just like us. Gods good.

So in protest yesterday I was on my hands and knees cleaning the chucksters mess and he snuck down on me and popped me on top of my head.

Not hard and me and my kid laughed as she watched him do it.

He's a good boy and takes food from little one and Aisha like a butterfly.

He will forget in time the things that happened to him.

Emotional trauma to the nervous system like PTSD and others are difficult to cure and cannabinoids is the best chance with changes in routine and lots of love and positive reinforcement to ones self.

Trust me I know.

THC can make PTSD even worse in some.

Cannabinoids will calm it down fast and allow one to stay balanced.

Greatful for what has been taught and what I have seen work when applied.

Well you just know everything rev!

If I ever say that...run..

However a person should be able to share freely what he has learned to help others willing to get up and help themselves.

One love, rev
Now listen, shoreline is correct about our avian friends having sensitive little lungs.

However, rev remembered a study done years ago on little mice where they was basically put in a smoke box thick with cannabis smoke and the only thing it did was make them high and killed their tumors.

So I figured what I would Puff to the chuckester would pale in comparison to what those mice got.

Result was it worked.

However last few days rev decided to jump the fence and give chuckie straight up cbd drops from dispensary... Tangerine flavor.

Results was and is fantastic!

No drunken behavior or any of that horse shit just a happy bird that feels great and had went down from 8 or more siezures a day lasting several minutes to one or two mild ones that last under a minute.

Today only one he had this morning and that's it....in 11 days cannabinoids and good super foods like coconut fat and hemp are changing chuckies life as it has so many others.

No fear..just faith.

He spent this whole day talking up a storm and showing his powerful beak strength.

However he melts like a puppy in revs hands and Aisha laughs.

I tell him his beak is just a big toe nail and he can keep it and I'll grab it and scratch his beak and head and pull his wings out like a baby.

However he can't step up and cuddle in my lap until cured of these siezures.

Why? Well, when he goes into a seizure he needs to clamp down his beak on something and if that happens while on you he will only be able to clamp you and he would not be able to help it.

He is precious but if he clamped that toe nail on you lol you would know it.

One love revIMG_20180720_101018.jpg
...except for when blowing smoke in its face is good for it.
Most beautiful thing about chuckie is he regardless of what he went through never broke his spirit enough to self pluck himself to death.

He knows he is a handsome boy and preens all day to show his stuff.

He knows he will kick this crap affliction and a bird harness and training for free flight he will do.

Nothing better for owner and bird and chuckie will show them that 15 years is but a pup for a great green macaw.

He will be dive bombing the children at the park and the kids will love it!

One love, rev