Well it seems my junior needed a partner and her name is sativa.
Sativa was so stressed like poor little junior.
Ole rev simply showed them love and let them drink and bathe in the river sump.
Why the sump?
Same reason I do, good digestion from living waters.
When animals stressed " even us " our gut loads go nuts.
This must come back in balance and stress removed to recover... The water helps this and remember rev uses no chemicals and not only do I have sumps that make polished water but also probably over 50 pounds of roots in this ecosystem.. Good water.
So now sativa has joined the family and junior showing her the ropes.
Junior told Aisha in her dream that he was happy with sativa and that he loved us for thinking of him.
They bring great joy to us and love hanging at the pond.
Have worked with many animals and yet have not had a bird since my prince Hahn's macaw 20 years ago.
Had my boy on his outside perch and my little girl spooked him and he flew off.
Broke my heart.
I rescued him and he was an insane feather plucking case.
Love and time and he came around beautiful.
All it takes.
Junior and sativa are still babes however as they get older their diet will expand a bit however hemp primary so they can live long with mom and dad....
Some think best not to fool with new acquired birds until they settle...horse shit.
Let rev make it clear...you approach me with love at my most vulnerable and show me no harm...we brothers.
Same with birds.
These two within days of settling in will now ride around on dads back while I do my deal.
Birds are a responsibility and one that must be considered before getting one.
However they bring great joy and the budgie is hard to beat.
They both seem to like to eat the skin on the cannabis stalks I gave them...smart birds!
If old mcrev had a farm I would have happy creatures as the health knowledge applies to them as well.
Trees stretched good but par maintained them so they are just now setting bud hairs a bit at 12 days.
These pond bushes I will only take 50% red.
Its good medicine at that point and especially if using leaves also, you just don't pass drug tests.
However number one reason is this has and is becoming a ecosystem and I don't want to disturb and pull out all those roots later that will have fish eggs and all later.
At 50% red 50% milk, you can still reveg and have good medicine.
Past that and they will not reveg.
That way I keep this pond solid and can do some in the closet in between reveges and take the bud on those to the even better 50% red 50% gold.
Should work good and make it even more simple.
Revs birthday again today and I thank god for another.
Much I have learned through pain and yet I am ready for " this to shall pass."
Many are.
One love