Pure White Cola - Yep


Well-Known Member
there have been many instances of albino genes showing in mj. dweze has seen the same posts i've seen and obviously alot of people haven't. Consider yourself lucky enough to grow such a rare specimen


Ok, um, yeah that's bleached. That's the problem LEDs. Because each light only produces a certain wavelength, say for photosynthesis, you need at least 18 different wavelengths for a plant to perform all of it's functions. What's happening with your plant is that photosynthesis is occuring at an incredible rate because they build the lights for chlorophyll a and b into the fixture. But what they usually don't do, except for very high end LEDs, is build in the lights for all the other processes to occur. For instance, toxin removal. So even though all of this great photosynthesis is occuring, the toxins that are left over from the chlorophyll production our backing up. So in reality, your plant is actually very sick at the moment, and will only continue to get worse. Sorry, but it's the truth.


Calyx LED
It has looked this white in the same areas for like 3 weeks, no spreading at all and all the other buds are still packing on weight, I'm not worried...


Calyx LED
From what I've gathered the "albino" thing is like a mutation. This plant has grown funky since day one. Weird leaves and curling...I have heard that the dwarfs are prone to this sort of thing...


DUDE THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! do you have a microscope?? you should really look it under a microscope to see what's up


Weed Modifier
modstr wrong! Variegated leaves!
but very cool!
It happens in Mj!
And you are getting variegated buds should be some kickass smoke!


Well-Known Member
if it was mold it would of rot already. plants get green colors from photosynthesis might be a genetic prob with that that part of the plant. i wouldn't be surprised if it dont even have thc. if its growing and wite like that. is not making any energy. what nut are you feeding it. i had white ones once cause i had a light leak. so i spray painted the spot on the tent with some white paint turn alot of my plants white fan blew the paint all over them.


Well-Known Member
no albino could affect just one area of plant

as matter of fact you ever see people with that problem in just their hands or just on their face

albanese gene could be on haf a leaf only hole bud,hole stem, or hole plant depends on % of traite

once again I say to all you smart peolple i know I dont know what im taliking about

i have been saying this since beginning of this post and getting bashed for it by smart people


Well-Known Member
bleach would kill plant those pistils look very much alive to me perky leaves put bleach on some grass or something in youe vegatable garen see what color and how llong before it looks dead and report back to us and let us know

small percentage of albino trate in genetics, and I only lie for considerable financial advancment, or to save my ass neither one at steak here and my word is bond dont say shit unless i know what im tlking abuot

her at RIU some dont know what they are talking about and should be listening and learning not talking, here 3 say its black , three say its whit, 3 say its gray, then there is always the 1 guy says im blind since birth but this guy told me its orang you are talking about LoL

that just tells me some know and some dont we have to listen to all with curtisy and do what we think is best for us in the end and always learn from it what to do or what not to do again

i experimenting this grow with my worm farm juce, never used on inside garden, cmh ceramic metal hilide, and bush master dont nbe afraid to experiment you will either benifit or have to pay for it both both good lessons for your future grows

good luck
im out


Well-Known Member
lmao. first of all people with spots like that are not albinos. its a pigment disorder. if your saying you dont know then dont say anything. stupid is as stupid does............
no albino could affect just one area of plant

as matter of fact you ever see people with that problem in just their hands or just on their face

albanese gene could be on haf a leaf only hole bud,hole stem, or hole plant depends on % of traite

once again I say to all you smart peolple i know I dont know what im taliking about

i have been saying this since beginning of this post and getting bashed for it by smart people