Cool man, good work. I'm about to do my third cycle of Sour Diesel, you don't have to wait the 70 days to chop them IMO especially if you prefer a bit of a cleaner high.
I usually take the Diesel down at around 65 days, though my last cycle was cut at 63 on the dot for various reasons.
Yield is nice, over an ounce a plant though I use 1000 watts, not sure how many lumes per sq\foot you have. Have you or anyone you know topped the Diesel? How was the yield comparison wise?
I likely won't top, but rather LST as my opinion is that it does the same thing as topping, but doesn't slow veg growth for a week like topping does most of the time.
Do you have alot of that browning of the leaves in the close up you listed last? I have had the same thing, and Cal-Mag did the trick. Looks like a magnesium or calcium problem to me - nothing serious, but worth taking a look at.
Most of the time my coloration like that though is in the middle, I think at the time is more of a concern because new growth is effected as well.
Search the web and consider using Cal-Mag, especially if it spreads. Other than that, looking great man!
You are going to get a nice yield, they look chunky.