Purp Kush n Alpha FLOWER


Well-Known Member
be more like 20-30% remember flushing turns trichs amber faster..... calyxes ARE the buds, pistils come out of the calyxes ;)


Active Member
o ok cool . yea then yea all the calyxes are real good size all about the same. although its weird some buds are more calyxy and you can really see the shape of each calyxe itself , others on the same plant i might add are more full and the calyxes seem like they opened up with more pistils or something and u dont just see a horny lookin bud but more of a full round bud . dont no why itd be taht different on the same plant tho but thats what its like


Active Member
So. I cut them down yesterday. Rather a friend of mine did it for me. I ended up breaking my leg on my camping trip. No. Pics yet. Will update after my next surgery. As I can't move around to get new info or really get to the comp. My surgery is on the 22nd n ill be out for a few days after that.


Active Member
So its been two days drying in the closet hangin from strings. Sucks that I put in all this work to my girls n I wasn't even the one able to harvest cuz of this stupid accident.

My buddy didn't really trim the buds yet he just cut off all the fan leaves n leaves off bud with a stem. Its all in a closet with the door cracked bout 4-5 inces with a fan blowin in recirculating. I'm told its around 75-85. How do u guys think it'll take to dry. At least till I put em in paper bags. I was plannin on trimmin the rest and puttin them in the bags around thursday or friday. Do u think that's too long?

Was gunna leave in bags cracked open for like 2 days then close up for another 2 or 3. Then to jarss. Alll pending on how the buds look of course. I won't have pics till later next weekend maybe. I'm stayin wit my fam cuz I'm immobile and shit wit my fucked up leg till I get it fixed next week and soon after that. Let me know what u guys think bout my estimated drying time n curing.

I didn't see the harvest but my buddy says its a lot! But I'm skeptical. I think round 7 zips for my 9 plants. Maybe 8. I ono. Let me know what u think roll its!



Well-Known Member
It always looks like a lot 'til the 3-4 day of drying,you loose about 75% of the weight...I like to dry in 70-75 degree temp range anything higher and they dry too fast for my liking...so bout 5-7 day dry and straight to the jars no paperbag method for me....as a matter a fact I got some drying right now that is just bout ready to smoke :bigjoint:......


Active Member
Yea. That 75 % is pretty right on I think even tho I've never tested it. I saw everything last night. I think ill have 7 zips. Off 9 plants is really shitty but o well. I'm gunna look at em again on fri or saturdayn then it'll be 6 or 7 days. They were sittin at 79 and 45 rh last night round 9. So I think they are on the right track. They dried a lil bit its only been 3 days and they were still real wet buds. No pics yet. Didn't get very good ones.


Well-Known Member
70 degree temps at 35-37% RH is optimal for drying.... for 10-14 days (7 days I suppose for really airy buds) then into jars ;).... you can do bag method or whatever method floats your boat, ;)........


Active Member
So really airy buds as in to dry or ? And I can't change my temps at all. Is it too hot I guess. Or what do you think longer?


Active Member
Haha. Yea spaz !! I know damit! I'd have been way more attentive if it wasn for this compound fracture! N u guys woulda seen a lot of porn by now hahaha. Will have plenty of it by the end of the week I'm hopin. Surgery is on tuesday. Gunna be in the hospital for a few days then resting at fams most likely till the weekend. Then ill be home. Can't wait to throw em in bags then jars then smoke !!!!!!!! Haha


Active Member
well guys awsome news i got 13.27 ounzes dry. they are all in jars n curing. been since last saturday. its great they are smellin awsome and i have to say its bomb! even my friends say so. compared to my last flower, man o man its some grade A Doja troll haha. sticky and reallly smellly. and the smoke well dam its really great. after i get back to my house i can upload pictures from my digi camera. but isnt 13 zips great off of 9 plants. and only 2 400 watt high bay lights. i can only imagine how much better its gunna be with CO2 the whole flower and double 600's thats the end goal. probly 2 more rounds or so before the lights but anyways the yield definatly caught me off guard. i was guessin 7 or 8 . but 13!!! WOW! and even with the problems i had with nutes cant wait to see what happens when i do it right!


Active Member
well guys awsome news i got 13.27 ounzes dry. they are all in jars n curing. been since last saturday. its great they are smellin awsome and i have to say its bomb! even my friends say so. compared to my last flower, man o man its some grade A Doja troll haha. sticky and reallly smellly. and the smoke well dam its really great. after i get back to my house i can upload pictures from my digi camera. but isnt 13 zips great off of 9 plants. and only 2 400 watt high bay lights. i can only imagine how much better its gunna be with CO2 the whole flower and double 600's thats the end goal. probly 2 more rounds or so before the lights but anyways the yield definatly caught me off guard. i was guessin 7 or 8 . but 13!!! WOW! and even with the problems i had with nutes cant wait to see what happens when i do it right!
Just read the whole thing man. Those were good lookin girls some were so frosty. Take a pic of the bud haha anyways +rep man ill be looking fo your next grow :eyesmoke: