Purple edges and lighter between veins

Hey guys first grow underway 7 plants under 12 led bulbs until my 600w arrives.
Room temps remain between 70f and 85f
Growing in a mix of back yard soil/ ffof/happy frog showing signs of nitrogen toxicity for sure but have been pushing through. Watered with distilled water at 6.2-6.4 no nutes have been added surprisingly as I reach the 6th week.over the last week, 3 of them have slowly began to lighten in color between the veins and have reddish purple edges/tips also slightly drooping. Excuse my foot, any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated 20190902_101421.jpg



Well-Known Member
Well, ill be honest those little plants look hungry, how long have they been in those small mediums? IF along time probably having Deficiency of something. But more then anything they look under watered, that soil looks like a desert, other then that it doesnt look bad. keep it up trial and error are huge things here..

As for the colour, they look healthy, could just be the strain/pheno.


Well-Known Member
With the Led lights they seem to cause cal and mag def,as said above they look hungry.
Well, ill be honest those little plants look hungry, how long have they been in those small mediums? IF along time probably having Deficiency of something. But more then anything they look under watered, that soil looks like a desert, other then that it doesnt look bad. keep it up trial and error are huge things here..

As for the colour, they look healthy, could just be the strain/pheno.
They were transplanted into these 2.5 gallon pots about 8 days ago only reason I havent given them a feed is they seem to have nitrogen burn and have been like that for 4 weeks now only nutrients I have on hand is megacrop 9-6-17. Should i just hit the store and try to find something with extremely low to no nitrogen? Or would the dark leaves and clawing be caused by deficiency thank you for replying so rapidly


Well-Known Member
Thank you I'll go ahead and grab a calmag supplement might as well have it on hand for the future
Careful,your soil should have what you need.Any changes may do more harm then good.Only add little amounts if your going to add.Make sure your watering is right,(too much,not enough) first.
Careful,your soil should have what you need.Any changes may do more harm then good.Only add little amounts if your going to add.Make sure your watering is right,(too much,not enough) first.
Alright I'll make sure to get my watering in check before I try to add anything thank you for the help


Well-Known Member
How much of your back yard soil is in there?Ill assume it has nothing in it as far as food goes?


Well-Known Member
I agree, they look underfed. I have 2 stains that have leaf stems that stay purple , no matter how much calmag you feed them. It's genetic.
How much of your back yard soil is in there?Ill assume it has nothing in it as far as food goes?
I'd say equal parts of all 3 and then about 30% perlite and a little vermiculite the back yard soil had a good amount of clay to it. Dont know as far as nutrient content of it


Well-Known Member
What size did you transplant from? N tox would be deep green leaves with tips curling down. You haven’t feed them so can’t see that being it.
Also if there wilting like that because of no water then at least give them a little water
What size did you transplant from? N tox would be deep green leaves with tips curling down. You haven’t feed them so can’t see that being it.
Also if there wilting like that because of no water then at least give them a little water
Transplanted from a one gallon the lowers seem a fair bit darker and definitely show curling, I'll give em a bit of water though the soil is definitely dry



Well-Known Member
Hey guys first grow underway 7 plants under 12 led bulbs until my 600w arrives.
Room temps remain between 70f and 85f
Growing in a mix of back yard soil/ ffof/happy frog showing signs of nitrogen toxicity for sure but have been pushing through. Watered with distilled water at 6.2-6.4 no nutes have been added surprisingly as I reach the 6th week.over the last week, 3 of them have slowly began to lighten in color between the veins and have reddish purple edges/tips also slightly drooping. Excuse my foot, any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated View attachment 4389003
Hey bro..you’ve got a serious deficiency going down in china town. Magnesium, nitrogen and phosphorous deficiency are the main culprits no doubt by looking at leaf discoloring and purple in stems and stalk. That soil is bone dry too. Are you watering the pot all the way to run off or how much do you water with?. Dark spots and blotches May start to show on lower leaves. Has growth tip slowed? Leaves not pushing out as fast? Plant needs nitrogen too for sure. It needs everything. Lol. Underfed in a bad way. How much water goes into the pot? You might just not be getting it wet enough for roots to grow out and take up nutes
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Well-Known Member
Transplanted from a one gallon the lowers seem a fair bit darker and definitely show curling, I'll give em a bit of water though the soil is definitely dry
you’ll see the nitrogen toxicity at top growth also. Looking at the newest growth let’s you know if the plant is too toxic or if it can push through. That dark shit on the lowers may actually be from phosphorus deficiency. If you’re nitrogen toxic, you’ll see it heavier up top in my experience. It’ll never be isolated to the lowers or work it’s way up like that. Phosphorus deficiency does though. Ive has many plants that looked just like that. They need an all around feeding. Something even in npk like a 5-5-5 with micros
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Hey bro..you’ve got a serious deficiency going down in china town. Magnesium, nitrogen and potassium deficiency are the main culprits no doubt by looking at leaf discoloring and purple in stems and stalk. That soil is bone dry too. Are you watering the pot all the way to run off or how much do you water with?. Dark spots and blotches May start to show on lower leaves. Has growth tip slowed? Leaves not pushing out as fast? Plant needs nitrogen too for sure. It needs everything. Lol. Underfed in a bad way. How much water goes into the pot? You might just not be getting it wet enough for roots to grow out and take up nutes
Usually water until about half a solo cup maybe a little less runs out, I would say you're dead on I was just at a crossroad because the lowest of leaves look almost black


Hey bro..you’ve got a serious deficiency going down in china town. Magnesium, nitrogen and potassium deficiency are the main culprits no doubt by looking at leaf discoloring and purple in stems and stalk. That soil is bone dry too. Are you watering the pot all the way to run off or how much do you water with?. Dark spots and blotches May start to show on lower leaves. Has growth tip slowed? Leaves not pushing out as fast? Plant needs nitrogen too for sure. It needs everything. Lol. Underfed in a bad way. How much water goes into the pot? You might just not be getting it wet enough for roots to grow out and take up nutes
Thank you that definitely cleared it up as my top growth is a lot lighter than the lower


Well-Known Member
Usually water until about half a solo cup maybe a little less runs out, I would say you're dead on I was just at a crossroad because the lowest of leaves look almost black
Yep.. phosphorus deficiency. The same deficiency is causing the lower dark leaves and purpling in leaf stems and stalk. Up top it’s light growth causenit needs nitrogen/magnesium
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Well-Known Member
Your ph is probably fine. Worse thing would be to flush. That soil is probably heavy too. That could be an issue if it’s heavy soil that holds water a long time. What size pot were they in previously? Looking again and it doesn’t matter. Gut feeling which is a good gut feeling based on those plants looking identical to dozens of plants I’ve grown in the past