Purple Flo , Pineapple Express , and Blueberry ! Grow 2.0 Simple Organics !


Well-Known Member
Well i feed them half strength age old liquid 12-6-6 this morning . Excited for the lights to come back on and see what they did.
The 16oz sport bottle cloner is working well hold good humidity in that small of an area . I have to use a heating pad to get humidity in my big tray with a bubble dome . I have to keep spraying the clones in that one with water also.Hope to see some roots soon. TGA seeds are poping up in the dispensarys around here love to mother a Agent orange or Third Dimension.


Well-Known Member
Well the lights are on and wow noticable differance after that cycle with feeding . I,m gonna get another days growth for comparison then I,ll post more pics .


Well-Known Member
Still looking good ! Started pushing my limits with the light height last night . I lowered it to 12 inches from bulb to canopy . Surprisingly it didn't raise canopy temp but 1 degree nice ! I let them go over night and this morning no ill effects looks like they like it .
I'm gonna get pics up after the dark cycle today . I think they will spurt some more during the dark period .

Any comments ? Anyone ? I,m not answering my self yet but sure am talking to my self :(


Well-Known Member
Was just playing with the heat index calculator .I,m at 74.8 degrees and 40 % humidity that gives me an heat index of 77 . Just about right for proper
transporation through the leaves nice !Good dark cycle so far !


Well-Known Member
This is my Pineapple Express #1 1st pic was on the 7th 2nd one is today the 9th .The clones were taken 17 days ago .



Well-Known Member
Alright as some of you may know I have been having low humidity problems . I,m too damn cheap and broke right now to be buying distilled water for my humidifier . Hell it only raise's the humidity to an extent anyways. Here's what I'm gonna try , as you can see the girls are in solo cups sitting in a coca-cola flat that's in a storage tub . I,m going to raise the coca cola flat up and fill the tub with an inch of water .
Then I'm going to put a heating pad set on high running off a timer 15 on 15 off under the tub .My temp/humidity sensor has a probe , I'll insert the probe in one of the solo cups to monitor soil temp and I,ll still get a humidity reading to see if the heated water raises the humidity plus kill two birds with one stone get my soil temp up some ? We will see . I,m taking a break from watering now so I,ll set this up here in a second and post pics and results soon.


Well-Known Member
Okay got it all set up and going. The temp/humidity shown is before . I decided to start off monitoring the water temp instead of soil for now.



Well-Known Member
wow somtimes things are just too simple. I run a thread on here awile back asking how to get shorter than a 15 min cycle with a 15 min timer .15 is the shortest cycle with a mechanical timer .

Ding Ding Ding ! Use two timers plug one into the other set both 15 on 15 off all the way around.When u plug them in syn them so that u cut the cycle in half now u got a 7.5 min timer .Not to mention all the other combos you could come up with. 7.5 isn't bad I needed a shorter cycle on my exhaust fan. A damn short cycle timer is around 90 bucks they allow you to run a device as short as 1 on 4 off.
I,ll settle for the 2 timer set up for 14 dollars .You can also run somthing off the first timer for 15 on 15 off or whatever .

(edit) Forgot to mention no one came up wit an answer in that thread


Active Member
if you want to rasie you humity all you i would do is sugest that you place a bucket of water in there. and if the heat from a light isnt enough you can put a fish tank heater into the bucket. you can adjust the temp on the heater to get the exact humity you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
Right on ! Same concept here . If that heating pad doesnt work I have an aquirium heater .I,m still watching it now so dont know yet it's still heating up.


Active Member
it works just fine. and since they have a tempiture setting you are to control your humity pretty dam well. it does take a little while to dial it in but over it works just great and i love it. hope you get it dialed in easily


Well-Known Member
Thanks man ! Cant tell yet but I think your bucket and aquirium heater idea would work better than what I got going have to wait and see.


Active Member
oh trust me i dont know what you are using right now but it works great. the only thing i dont like about it is it takes up space in my grow area. its not like you can just toss it in a tent with out losing space. the bucket last a long time also. i have tried using small containors and they just seem to empty out to quickly so 5 gallon bucket is the best for me. i hope you get the 40-50 percent your looking for