Purple Jems


Well-Known Member
damn duplex just lookin at how good your Jem is doin makes me so excited! hahah. hows that spiced cherry smell?



Active Member
Got a question for you guys out there. I dont ask many but i would like to hear some feed back. Have any of you used Tiger Bloom as a foliar spray? I see it says on the pack that i can but i never have. Has anyone done this? If so or with any other product for foliar, when do you spray?

trying to get the best results i can from this grow...............

I don't foliar spray any longer unless there is a special need. (Problems early on and to spot test for deficiencies). I definitely don't foliar spray late into flower. While there are some benefits to foliar spraying I feel that it is not worth it.


Well-Known Member

I don't foliar spray any longer unless there is a special need. (Problems early on and to spot test for deficiencies). I definitely don't foliar spray late into flower. While there are some benefits to foliar spraying I feel that it is not worth it.
Thanks dude i appreciate you catching that. Its good to know that some folks read back through! I was thinking about doing this, then decided against because of the stage of flowering. I dont want to leave nutes on the buds or cause mold deep inside the buds. That could only be detrimental to my harvest!


Well-Known Member
whats good duplex? looks like your plant is picking up keep up the good work it will pay off) am already seeng purple everywhere on my buds plus i can see a couple of fat seeds hanging out which is just what i wanted so i dont have to purchase for my next grow well here is a couple of aigh morning shots from today View attachment 967337View attachment 967340
Looking good my man, i see a little stretching going on but that never hurt any one really. Is there any way that you could rotate the pics? Id like to get a good look at them. I see all the purple coming in on the one and they both seem to be filling in.

How old are these?

I dont think that i will be seeing the purple buds on this go around. My lady's bud formations dont look like what most of the other Jems...... Tomorrow will be the 5 week updates....


Active Member
Well i figured that i would share the progress as time goes on here. Currently we are at 32 days from seed. And we are 19 days into flower. This thing is getting thicker and thicker..... Enjoy guys
Man, that plant is a beauty! Also nice to meet another grower/photographer. I'll be watchin!


Well-Known Member
nice grow man, keep up the good work. i just got the new rebel t1i ( its friggin sweet, takes amazing shots)


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to upgrade to a dslr, I've been thinking about droppin some green for the Olympus e-3 but I have a feeling the second I do they'll come out with a new model and the price will drop.


Well-Known Member
nice grow man, keep up the good work. i just got the new rebel t1i ( its friggin sweet, takes amazing shots)
Those are nice and that was going to be my second choice over the Nikon. I like the Nikkor lens lineup and the wide versatility of the interchangeable lenses.
I can't wait to upgrade to a dslr, I've been thinking about droppin some green for the Olympus e-3 but I have a feeling the second I do they'll come out with a new model and the price will drop.
This was the best investment by far i have ever made other than my jem seeds :joint:

Man, that plant is a beauty! Also nice to meet another grower/photographer. I'll be watchin!

Thank you sir and i agree i love meeting others that love both hobbies,.


Active Member
5 weeks. 5 weeks today. That means pictures. More pictures of the jems because they're 5 weeks old today. Today. Today's the new update day and stuff......


Active Member
hey bro sorry about those last pics am not a professional with the camera+my camera sucks! bomber. well at least my babes make up for that their both pollinated and i see purple in every nugget plus the smell is out of this world real fruty. the biggest one is about 7 weeks and smaller1 is about6 weeks their both pretty purple is just that my camera cant get all up in there with out blurs.P5310004.jpgP6010006.jpgP5310005.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey bro sorry about those last pics am not a professional with the camera+my camera sucks! bomber. well at least my babes make up for that their both pollinated and i see purple in every nugget plus the smell is out of this world real fruty. the biggest one is about 7 weeks and smaller1 is about6 weeks their both pretty purple is just that my camera cant get all up in there with out blurs.View attachment 969799View attachment 969801View attachment 969802
thanks for the pics they look good. I do have a question for you though. Where did the purple start? I noticed the veins of my plants turning a purple color on the underside today, and was wondering if this is where yours started?


Well-Known Member
not posting any bud porn till i get some answers .....lol and i know you wanna see the 5th week shots.....


Active Member
on the oldest1 it started about the 5th week and it started on the top main bud(3rdpic) and is now going down into smaller nugs. but on the smallest1 wich is pic1 you cant see the purple on the pic. which is on every nugget and is been purple from the inside of the nugs since they started flowering their both a lil different purple tho.1 is more dark purple and the other is more of a bright purple