Purple Jems


Well-Known Member
is the lst'ed plant the same as the others? a jem? Would you mind explaining your technique for lst? theres so many different kinds and that plant already looks bushy as fuuuuuck.
Actually this is not the same its a bag seed that i have had going. It was ment to test the soil that i had mixed to make sure it wast gonna kill any plants, or be too strong. Turns out it exploded and the soil works great, so i decided to keep it for the long haul and test out some LST.


Well-Known Member
Would you mind explaining your technique for lst? theres so many different kinds and that plant already looks bushy as fuuuuuck.
What i have done here is paper clips and a circular bend. Started plant in the middle of the pot and then after it got about 3 nodes high i bent it to the rim. Then as it grows i tie bend it to the left to form a circle. All being held with clips


Well-Known Member
you growin pjs too? shit.. i need some!
lol nah, not yet.. im definitely gonna be watching too see how it looks tho :)

i still got a bunch of lowlife seeds and a few red dwarfs to go, so by the time im ready to order again hopefully there will be a bigger and better variety to choose from..


Well-Known Member
heyyy duplex , just wondering if you have ever heard that ruderalis strains less potent than straight indica and sativa strains?? im not sure if its true or not.


Well-Known Member
heyyy duplex , just wondering if you have ever heard that ruderalis strains less potent than straight indica and sativa strains?? im not sure if its true or not.
i have hard both things. This is my first run, im not gonna take any side till i have it first hand.


Well-Known Member
heyyy duplex , just wondering if you have ever heard that ruderalis strains less potent than straight indica and sativa strains?? im not sure if its true or not.
it all depends how how much ruderalis is in the strain... so far i only seen big buddah's being advertised at 20% ruderalis 30% sativa 50% indica nahmean? honestly, the autos i've grown arent less potent, plus they have bag appeal..


Here are my two beautiful PJ about 5 weeks old, but what is wrong with the one on the right (some yellows leaves and not as bushy)

Does anyone know?

And will they be showing signs of sex soon? (i sure hope the left one is female; it looks delicious)

my two pj but what is wrong with the right one.jpg


Well-Known Member
what the heck are you growing those in? jiffy soil starters. dude ... those should be much bigger at 5 weeks old ... your holding your plant back. put it in a pot!


Really? This is my first grow so i have no frame of reference (i really thought they were growing well). It was 3 weeks in before i realized my tap water pH = 8 so that could be the reason why they are small.


Well-Known Member
lol ... yeah that affects nutrient intake but the plants growth is connected to its root growth. Without sufficient space fot he roots to grow , they will eventually become bound causing your plant to become prone to sickness or other tragedy. transplant.


Well-Known Member
it all depends how how much ruderalis is in the strain... so far i only seen big buddah's being advertised at 20% ruderalis 30% sativa 50% indica nahmean? honestly, the autos i've grown arent less potent, plus they have bag appeal..
I hear the same things about them. I have only done bag seed grows until this point. So for me this will be an interesting test to see the strength. Im really after the purple and the short phenotypes that they have. Im looking into breeding and these are the traits i want to perfect.


Well-Known Member
Really? This is my first grow so i have no frame of reference (i really thought they were growing well). It was 3 weeks in before i realized my tap water pH = 8 so that could be the reason why they are small.
im about to post my 2 week shots this will give you reference.