Purple Kush 3 weeks flowering yellow leaves on lower leaves

i am doing soil foxfarm. 400 watt nextgen 12/12 lighting in a 4 by 4 growhut general hydroponics micro flower bloom. I am having yellowing of the lower leaves and on the tips of the top leaves turning yellow and curling. im not sure whats the matter i have been watering about every 2 days sometimes everyday. temps are high of light of 84 and night temps around 68 to 74. your feedback would be greatly apreshated.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what those spots are, they look more like damage rather than a deficiency. Are you sure there aren't any pests around?

I'm not positive about those yellow tips, but I think it's the beginning of a N deficiency, which is pretty normal on bloom. Otherwise, they look pretty healthy, although stretched a little. :)

dr. weird

the yellowing is a good thing. obviously not light burn if it's on lower leaves only. if not pests, foliar spot/blight is my best guess. did they get any cool water splashed on them last time you gave 'em a drink?



First i would say get them out of those little cups ..........

Check the PH

And their hungry . . .
transplanted to 3 gallion pots the plants are at a ph of 7. my nutrients are at 6 to 6.5. im using 5ml of micro, 13ml of bloom and 5ml of grow per every gallon. a gallon of nuts for 3 plants last me about 4 to 5 days. there rather short because i only vegged for one week to keep them small as i plan on doing ebb and flow after this so i decided on learing to make lollypops now. when do you recommend watering and how often and ammt?