Purple Kush-Bubba Kush-Pure Kush-Jack The Ripper-Super Silver Haze-Santa Cruz Kush

thanks everyone for the kind words. i am a little over stocked for the size room, this has led to a little powdery mildew problem, it is under control tho. the tallest plant is a little close to the light but its ok.
just burn the house down and collect the insurance! :hump:

kidding aside, PM sucks!
how many plants have you found it on so far?
yes i am getting ready to! lol.!!
my purple kush is taking the hardest hit, it has damn near killed the plant, still got good lookin buds on it tho. small patches can be found on almost everyplant. i have 6 fans blowing around air, i have an exhaust fan pulling from hood to outdoors. i have been using baking soda and a water mixture with a few drops of dish soap....this has helped keep it under control. i am so late in the game i really dont know what to do. tops are still fine. any extra advice? i am week 5 of 12 12 on monday
i just picked up some serenade disease control which is bacillus subtilis. i also bought some safer brand fungicide which is a sulfur based spray.
I've heard good things about that Serenade stuff on here before, maybe that'll do the trick for ya? I'd get a dehumidifier too maybe, I think I read that if you keep your RH below 50% all the time then PM and a few other nasties can't take hold in the garden.

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bk x mbs


bkx mbs


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pure kush



super silver haze



bubba kush

bk is usually much better at this point. this powdery is really takin a tole. i lose lots of fan leaves every week.
Damn dat sux man......I never really have a prob with powdery mildew......I keep my flowering area pretty dry.........
they are still doing good just not to full potential. did you see picture update? im gonna dip em today just not sure if i should dip em with the sulfur or serenade.
Like you said there still lookin good, lot's of trich's early too! So are you seeing a lot of differences between your BKxMB and BK?
they are still doing good just not to full potential. did you see picture update? im gonna dip em today just not sure if i should dip em with the sulfur or serenade.

Hadn't seen the pic update.....those bkxmbs are looking pretty nice......