Purple Kush in BC

kush fario

Well-Known Member
fuck that i think it should stay how it is for the people who truely use weed for medical uses great and they should have every right to buy smoke grow or do what ever with weed but you cannot argue the cali medi movment is absolute bullshit i mean what half of the people there using medical pot realy need it?? my bets on less than half and every one makes money when the good ol buds are ilegal so it might aswell just fucking stay that way just my 2c :D


Active Member
The point has nothing to do with the medical system. It's the fact people are being persecuted for using harmless substance with huge amounts of medical merit. The fact everyone has to get a medical license in the first place is ridiculous, it should be legal and readily available for purchase by anyone who wishes to obtain it.

The quality would go up if marijuana was legal to grow first of all, due to the fact you would be monitored and regulated and have to wash the marijuana out!
And the price of marijuana if it was priced at a realistic rate would be more like 40$ an ounce. If you think a black market system, with ridiculously inflated prices being paid into drug dealer's hand's, being grown and sold illegally without quality regulation, that could have you persecuted FOR SMOKING, then you seriously need to get your brain checked.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
thats because its not actualy about pot its about money and as pot is ilegal dealers make money and cops and all the govs. i hate to say but its a system that works and if you disagree with it like myself just grow your own and stay out of it the more you voice you opinion about the more the gov. wants to shut you up because your fucking with there money