Purple Kush/ Lemon Haze, Second year !


Well-Known Member
Alrighty lets get started first i'd like to thank everyone for stopping buy this is my second year with the same strain ( i kept a clone ) and it has become my mother plant big and strong. IMAG1570.jpgIMAG1571.jpgIMAG1572.jpgIMAG1573.jpgshe had a run in with spider mite a month ago and has een flourishing ever sence you can see i have a (bud-buddy) on her aha keeping the mites at bay. now on to her clones heres a pic, IMAG1575.jpg i just took 10 clones off of her tonight it is 25oC and 85% humid, i of course used clonex so i'm 99.9% sure i should have 10 new baby girls in about 2 weeks.

Now to the lemon haze, i got these seeds from a buddy who had one of 2 gardens seed out last year he got them online and bought them as lemon haze and the other garden did have a nice lemony smell to it,IMAG1574.jpg now i no "clear pots are bad for roots" but there not gonna be in there for long, you might notice there is 2 plants in a few of the pots well thats beacause i put to seeds in each rockwool cube, dont wanna gamble and cut down the female( incase theres one of eash) so i'm going to let them get a bit bigger and do a 2 week flower to see what sex they are.

thats all for now any insite / suggestions/ constructive criticism/ or comments are welcomed happy growing!
I would have start with stronger clones those guys look a little small. but other than that man I would suggest you throw out what last years results were this could give people a better idea of where you are at as a grower. I hate more than anything when people tell me basic shit that I or anyone should already know before even trying to get into this. what nutrients do you plan on doing and what types of lighting do you have? did you have any problem last grow that you would like to avoid this one. just little things man other than that it seems like you have the general concept down which is the most complicated part.


Well-Known Member
clones seem to work for me 90% of the time,

i'm using the flora series , i'm using cfls on 18/6 for now give them enough light to veg and grow just slow which is fine because they will be moved outside when the spring time hits like 4 months ,

and yeah i ran into spider mites/ over nute/ under nute/ over water( basic newbie shit) i think i got a handle of it this time only time will tell


Well-Known Member
shes the big one in the pictures shes all tied down but it would be close to 2.5 feet tall if i let her go but i wanna keep her short and bushy aha i take a new razor cut the stem off i want then scrap the bottom inch of stem and dip it in clonex, then right into room temp rockwool cubes!


Well-Known Member
looks great bro,looks like a good run ,,I'm runnin some purple kush also ,very ns strain,i'm at mid flower.subbed


Well-Known Member
thanks brother my mother is about 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall now shes popping all kidnas of white hairs, still only one clone has popped roots but the others dont look wilted yet so i'm assuming there roots just havent came out og the rockwool yet!


sweet strain.... i have been searcing the califonia clubs for the real old school purple kush...

im subscribbed


Well-Known Member
update one more has popped some roots (the smallest clone) ironicly! heres a updated pic of the motherIMAG1605.jpgIMAG1607.jpgIMAG1606.jpgIMAG1608.jpgIMAG1610.jpg and here is both of the clones rootsIMAG1611.jpgIMAG1614.jpg second one is hard to see but its white and its there deciding if i should try a hydro (dwc) mother or not i have everything to do it just wondering suggestions?


Well-Known Member
i'll update pics on the lemon haze seeds soon i put some into flower in my computer grow box just to see what happens i have 5 monthes untell out side time so misaswell fuck the dog a bit lol


Well-Known Member
thanks the lemon haze were just seeds someone gave me so i'm gonna flower a few and see what happens wanna see which are females and which are males so i can get some clones ready aha!


Well-Known Member
Picture 189.jpgPicture 216.jpgPicture 213.jpgPicture 206.jpgPicture 208.jpgive never grown the p/k but have done a few grows of slh [greenhouse] which performed really good for me & has been one of my best grows to date here is highlites from that grow


Well-Known Member
i like it you doing a good job with the cfl, you dont have the big lights but you are doing great. ill sub so i can see them grow.
peace and love


Well-Known Member
thanks the clf's are only to keep them gowing slowly until the outside season i do my real grow outside (simple and cost effective)
here is my lemon haze lst'd over , again i no its not good to have them in the same pot but i didnt think all the seeds would take and i'm not sure shich are male or female so no since to start cutting until i no IMAG1615.jpgIMAG1616.jpg

also had a little nute starving from them didnt catch the right time to start feeding getting nice and green on top now


Well-Known Member
ps horriblehurk that's a really nice result. hoping to grow 10 pounds this year with 30-40 plants should be able to this grows really really good in the soil here