Purple Kush Ready????

I am 9 weeks into flowering, buds are turning purple. Leaves are yellowing out. And I'm encountering lil catapillers every day tearing my shit up. They resist the spray. One advisor said to harvest, another said to wait. I want to pull them today Oct.7th. Can anyone tell?


dude pull that shit!! your gonna be ripped its most deff ready i had to pull my shit early due to wheather and bud rot and i was actually surprised that my bud got me as high as it did and i prob had abot a week longer


Well-Known Member
It looks like you could push that for another few weeks. Kush crossed with a Haze sounds like a late bloomer. Outdoor crops aren't something I know a great deal about, but I'm sure you could find some excellent pest control advice on the forum somewhere, as I think chopping early can sometimes leave a harvest unfulfilled.


Active Member
read zueuses take on harvest
You would do best to pull your plant if it is infested. I cut mine a week a go because of infestation. The caterpillars live inside if the bud on the stems where you can't spray them. I pulled 6-8 large caterpillars:eyesmoke::evil: out of the buds while trimming and 1-2 every day for about a week.One was living in the stem. Pull your plant and be happy for what you got. Two more weeks and you have nothing.