Purple Maroc Mother Won't Stop Flowering?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Got her as a freebie from a earlier order from Attitude. Germinated 2/28, Soil grown in a custom mix. Have some crappy Auto's growing along side her under a 400wHPS (they are nearly done). All were under 24/0 cycle for first 3 wks then, went to 20/4. I took 6 clones 4 wks. ago and they are doing well, showing vigorous new growth etc. The mother in question started showing preflowers about 3-4 wks ago and now she is in full-blown flower. I am very pleased with this pheno's overall appearance so I want to take more cuttings and keep her in perpetual veg. but I'll be damned if I know how I can get her to stop (hell of a problem I know lol). Anyone have any ideas? Bump up N rate? Already very dark green so the last thing I want to do is burn her.


Well-Known Member
nah, you don't want to give her any nitrogen right now.

You should always stop giving (or give very very little) Nitrogen to cannabis plants once they get about 6 or 7 weeks into actual flowering. Nitrogen is whats responsible for most the vertical growth as well as foliage growth. So, I def. wouldn't bump up the Nitrogen.. if anything.. I would bring it down.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
also.. the further you get into flowering.. the more yellowing off of the fan leafs you should see.

forgot to mention that in the first post.


Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies but I am trying to stop the flowering not promote it. I thoroughly understand the macro-nutrient requirements through the different life stages, I just don't think it will be very easy to take sucessful cuttings while she stays in flower. I guess I could change the cycle back to 24/0 in a few days but I've always been a big believer in giving plants at least a little rest and I'm not convinced this would completely stop the flowering. I looked at the genetics behind this strain (Female Seeds co.) and found no evidence of Ruderalis back crossing, mostly Indica is all I see. Could be just this pheno but if this is the case I def. want to keep this plant going.


Rebel From The North
Put it in 18/6 20/4. Or 24hr hours of light and it wont flower anymore and you can pull all
The clones you want

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually read the threads? I hate to sound ungracious but 2 replies in a row from the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" forum that are of no use to me. The plant is on and has been on a 20/4 photoperiod for several weeks I have serious doubts that reducing the lighting time to 18 hrs. would stop or slow flowering. I've been growing both indoor and outdoor since the Carter admin. I just had hopes that there might be someone with a similar experience and/or solution in this forum. I'll keep looking but thanks anyway.


Rebel From The North
Unless it has auto genetics it shouldnt be flowering on your light cycle. Ive never seen one do that thats not
A auto. Post some pics, if the mother was a freebee is it posable it could of been a attitude mistake and gave you
Auto beens.


Rebel From The North
Also i could be rong but i think clones off a auto will be auto to thus the age of the mothers life
Will be cloned to the clones! I could be rong

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
In veg. for over 2 months before preflowers started showing up. No evidence of ruderalis genetics (autoflower). Plant is still putting on vigorous vegetative growth at the same time as the flowers developing. I will probably try to pull some more clones in the next week and keep my fingers crossed that they will root. I will try to get a pic or two up later. This may just be a weird phenotype but again if that is the case I may have to keep it going and do some breeding with the clones if it is that determined to keep on flowering.


Well-Known Member
Genetic freak ?

I suspect that when you went to 20/4 it triggerd flowering. Ive never seen that before.
You could experiment with your clones. keep one 24/0.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually read the threads? I hate to sound ungracious but 2 replies in a row from the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" forum that are of no use to me. The plant is on and has been on a 20/4 photoperiod for several weeks I have serious doubts that reducing the lighting time to 18 hrs. would stop or slow flowering. I've been growing both indoor and outdoor since the Carter admin. I just had hopes that there might be someone with a similar experience and/or solution in this forum. I'll keep looking but thanks anyway.
LOL, I've been wondering about the reply's myself.

What are the clones doing?

I'm thinking auto also, but if the clones are just vegging along .... ????????



Well-Known Member
If you read the breeders info about purple maroc it says it's a semi auto... I've been growing a few years now and I have no idea what semi auto means, but I guess that could account for your flowering problem.

Edit: Just a side note, I remember I got purple maroc as a freebie, but mine was only showing signs of a photo plant, not an auto. Maybe by semi auto they mean that once it gets a reduced amount of light it will flower? I'd try cranking it back up to 24 hours veg.


I'm having same problem I have mother under 24 hs light but is not reverted back yet just keeps flowering do you tink I should just grow it nd crop it? Can u take closures from mothers with flowers?


Well-Known Member
Hey Carl,
I think you may have an auto or something strange going on but I would definitely try to clone it and see what happens. That is going to be the true test and honestly in all my time growing I have never seen that personally.


Well-Known Member
i was told by an old tymer that if u give ur plant to much nitrogen an water she'll go back to veg never tried it never had it happen but hey worth a shot if shes not got full colas. but ne ways have a growtastic day