Remember that when you perceive something as purple, what it is actually doing is reflecting all the purple light, or the colors that make that purple, and it's absorbing the other light spectrums. Meaning that purple bud leaves would reflect alot of the UV, red and blue spectrum (i'm not 100% on the science here, but yeah)
So since the 420-450nm bandwidth falls right into that deep blue purple range, and it is widely argued that that light spectrum is responsible for alot of THC production, it would stand to reason you're going to not get as much production from a plant that has purple leaves. Purple nugs wouldn't affect production that much as it mostly occurs in the leaves?
I'm not saying purple dank is weaker, cause I've had some dank ass purple, but i'm pretty sure purple leaves is a bad thing. They may grow well in green light though (not joking).
I would argue purple leaves would mean a genetic inferiority if the ultimate goal is thc production because it wouldn't produce as much as it could under the same conditions simply because it would be reflecting desired lightwaves.
It's still capable of producing seeds though, so reproductively it's not inferior. Maybe we forced the plants to evolve to discourage human consumption?