Purple Plants @ 4 Weeks - Wierd White Spots


Active Member
Hey everyone! Ok so my little Purple plants are doing awesome except for one thing, these little white spots on a few of the bottom leaves of one plant..dont know what it is as I dont know much about diseases.. If anyone could tell me what it is and how it can be fixed I would really apreciate it!!
The pics are of the plants and the spots...plz help!!



Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
It looks like the early stages of a Magnesium deficiency.

What soil and nutes are you using?

I've seen my plants do this once I put them into flowering..usually about 3 weeks into it they get a Mag deficiency and I add 1/4 tsp of epsom salt in my water (per gallon).


Active Member
Hey Muddy Paws thanks for the quick response! Im gonna try out the epsom salts trick and see if it works, I'll keep you posted! thanks again!



Active Member
so im guessing your feeding it nutes. if so it looks like u spilt some of your nute mix on your leaves happened to me and it eventually went away.


Well-Known Member
I have these white spots wondering if it is some sort of salt from the water? do you spray your plants leaves because when they dry they may get this white spot if they dry quick enough