Purple Seedling - What Do?


This is my first grow - and while I do have mentors, I'm very inexperienced. My seedling's stem is very purple, and I haven't the slightest clue what to do. I've been told that it could be a nutrient deficiency, or I'm over-watering it. Any ideas?



Active Member
You can do away with those 2 upper lights (soft whites) you can get just use one bulb really until you develop some more leaves. With cfl's start small and add as you go. and the stem is fine just has to do with strain if you do anything wrong at this stage it will just die they are fragile that small and don't need any nutes other than whats in the soil already. Read as much as you can and not just from one source the internet is full of bs and if you wanna use it for info you have to sort out the bad info by double checking it somewhere else.


Active Member
one more thing I can't quite tell if you have drain holes in the cup if not you should especially with cfl's because the don't dry the soil out as fast as hid so you need good drainage and extra pearlite is always good too.