Purple Sour Diesel and Giesel Grow Damn thats Sour!!!


Active Member
You've inspired me to crack open a new seed to veg.

The only problem is..
I've got near 100 to crack..
Awesome! I have a fair amount as well. Lets trade. :lol:

Seeds are awesome I just hate that they take so long but once you find the pheno that you like you just make her a mama and your str8.


Active Member
oh shit, just noticed that you vegged with HPS for the most part. how do you think that went for you? Do you think you'll pick up a MH down the road?
I have thought about giving the MH a try maybe even a double combo of HPS and MH not sure. I love the HPS and I love the fact you can use it for both stages with great results. My ballast are switchable anyways so its an option for me just havent really been too interested since the HPS has worked great for me.


Active Member
ya can always tell the newbies ffs
LOL! for sure bro!! I was like no this A hole did not just ask me that. Nothing against newbies but dont come on this forum making stupid comments or asking questions about topics that have been discussed a million times. I like to offer my help to everyone. This thread is for anyone that appreciates cannabis and horticulture in general.




Active Member
Purp Sour Diesels took a turn for the worst. Well not the worst but to me its horrible. I started these girls off at 300 ppm and started noticing some nute burn and what appeared to be some kind of lock out and salt build up. I thought to myself how the hell is this happening with only 300 ppm's so I pulled back and flushed quick Ive been flushing for a little over a week now plants started to burn up as I fed them a few times before I figured out what had happened.

I got the clones from a buddy of mine who gave them to me in 1 gallon buckets ready to go in soil and all. I have never in my life gottem any clones in soil. Usually always in rockwoll. Thats when it hit me and I never even thought about this while I was diagnosing the problem.So I thought to myself what kind of soil is this? Called my buddy and it happened to be some crappy ass medium with nutes in them already. He said NOOO you cant give it any food you have to wait 10 days before you hit them. Geez yeah thanks for telling me now buddy after they already getting fucked up. I blame myself with my experience I should of known to ask but at least my experience and brain was able to determine what the issue was and treat it quickly. I transplanted right away and flushed the shit out of them again. I believ now they are ready for some food. New growth on them is looking way better. Im glad I was able to save them at least. Also for back up I had taken the 9 clones from them which have all rooted and look beautiful so even if they would of died I would be str8. I plan on just putting these girls to flower soon and just pulling out the most I can from them.

Seedlings on the other hand are looking great! I wish I would of thought about the soil earlier becuase those PSD's would be looking just as good. Growth on the seedlings is awesome! I also have the 2 Gisel clone that are bad ass as well. I plan on making a small area for vegging so I can let the seedlings ride a little longer and throw my clones in there as well. Lets see still undecided but I know for sure I dont want to put the seedlings to bud yet. What do you guys think of the seedlings? Do you think they are good to put to bud? I never really work with small plants you all know me to be a tree and bush guy but I would like to see how more small bushes vs less trees would would out.

Pics coming soon. Sorry you guys can let me know as soon as I post them.



New Member
Hiya pal! Looking forward to the update.
Ive been busey updateing lately-daily 8-) Bored and nothing to do expect snap shots and talk sweet nothing to my girls :lol:
Any way ive got another update coming, look out for it and ill do the same ;)


Active Member
Pics as promised. Here are just a few pics of the PSD lights on. Not the best, I will get some better ones lights out tonight. The new growth on them is nice and green at least so I have some hope for these gals still. I may be flipping them this weekend or monday not sure yet. Trying to get some ready for Christmas time. Now thats what I call Christmas trees lol!!
Picture 1190.jpg Picture 1181.jpg Picture 1180.jpg Picture 1179.jpg Picture 1182.jpg


Active Member
Here are the seedlings. These little girls are looking serious. The stalks are even thicker than the PSD. I look forward to harvesting these girls. Im thinking about flipping them along with PSD but I may just leave them in the tent or make a wall in the room and divide it for a small veg section and a bloom room. Like I said before Im just not sure if it would be woth it. I know right now I dont have space for so many trees so if I want to flower them all Im gonna have to just keep them small and use some over head lighting.

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Active Member
I will be posting some more pics tomorrow. I also have some brownie pics and some oil pics. These were the strongest brownies I have ever had in my life. Im talking about fucking serious! I could barely even wake up in the morning and I couldnt open my eyes. Crazy ass cotton mouth. I went to work and everyone was like dude you look fuckin stoned! I had to tell everyone I was sick. Im telling you guys these things were crazy. I let the oil simmer for 8 hours though. I have made oil and butter before but nothing ever like this. To be continued......


Active Member
Good morning RIU. I have a long day ahead of me today. I got alot of shit on my agenda. I will be posting pics through out the day for you guys. I got those ac pics coming up and better pics of the girls. I am gonna train the sours a little today and work on the giesels as well. Stay tuned for more updates soon to come. Thanks for your support!


New Member
Afternoon buddy
ERM ill look forward to the pics :)
And i dont suppose you had any experience with calibrating?
I have my ph buffer solution 7 and its saying some were that i need ph buffer 4 as well.
Any ideas??


Active Member
Afternoon buddy
ERM ill look forward to the pics :)
And i dont suppose you had any experience with calibrating?
I have my ph buffer solution 7 and its saying some were that i need ph buffer 4 as well.
Any ideas??
I have heard of 4 as well but im not sure you need both. I always use 7 and mine is always on point. Now that you mention it though I am gonna look into this. I will let you know what I find. Pics of ac box coming right up.


Active Member
Boys and girls please feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions. Here are a few pics of the rough draft. I am giving it a shot to see how well this works. Its running right now as we speak. Temps are going down really nice with both 1000 HPS's im in the low 80's already hopefully I can go as low as 75 with both 1000's I dont think it will be a problem. Tomorrow I am going to put in the finishing touches and play around with my ventalation and exhaust.

Picture 1218.jpg Picture 1222.jpg Picture 1221.jpg Picture 1220.jpg Picture 1219.jpg
Picture 1226.jpg Picture 1224.jpg Picture 1228.jpg



Well-Known Member
I have heard of 4 as well but im not sure you need both. I always use 7 and mine is always on point. Now that you mention it though I am gonna look into this. I will let you know what I find. Pics of ac box coming right up.
Having both really makes a different (I think, lol). The point is that if you just give it 7, there is only one reference point. Kinda like a sight on a gun with only the part closest to the butt being there. You can put what you think is the center of the barrel in the slot... but having the point at the end of the barrel really increases accuracy. Having two reference point makes things more accurate.

Also... if for some reason your 7 is contaminated or just off for somereason to say 7.5, then using only that your 7 on the meter will actually be 7.5. However if you use the bad 7 with a good 4 or even a bad 4, the spread will still be enough that it gives a much better reference than just one thing.

I feel like that totally doesn't make sense, hopefully you can get what I'm saying.

Love the AC box. That shit is awesome. I admit I haven't read everything in the thread yet, so you might have already said... but I'm guessing the AC box is to keep the room sealed because you use co2? So much more efficient (monetarily) to build a box like that then buy an expensive ass AC with the separate exhause. What are they called, like dual hose or something.

Either way props to you my friend.