Purple stems/kinda dark green PICS PICS


Well-Known Member
This plant is a few months old it has been fertilized organic (age old, big bloom) in a mix of ocean forest/light warrior. Ph, temp, humidity, are fine. this photo was taken a few days ago the leaves are a little darker green today. It has had quite a few clones cut from it in weeks past. I recently switched to BMO but these symtoms were present before that. The stems are purple along with some of the veins on the leaves which are dark green.

I heard this is a mg or phos deff. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
dude your paraniod, inless i missed something...whats wrong. purple stems can mean a number of things, and yet it can be perfectly normal to. if nething your dark leaves are n overdose.


Active Member
Usually, purple stems are caused by:
A.) Low temps
B.) Just a natural trait of the strain


Active Member
She look's cool!

I do notice what you mean by the red veins on the leaves.

My buddies are the same way,

Does anyone know if this is the first sign's of Mg. or Phos. difficency?


Well-Known Member
its a sign of alot of things, just dont panic tell you have more conclusive evidence of a problem.......sorry ta sound like a pig.


Well-Known Member
As allready posted its normal in most cases & nothing to worry about,cold temps do not have anything to do with the color of the stems in any strain ive ever grown.