purple stems of original skunk #1


Well-Known Member
hi fellas

i am growing 5 fem. original skunk #1 and 5 fem. white widow from seedsman genetics.

WW is ok,but stems of skunk 1s are purple. all of them is in same medium and they are being fed same nutirents .
medium :70%coco,10% peatmoss,20% Worm casts ( i will add some perlite as soon as i transplant )
nutrients: biobizz grow and root juice.. i'll give them voodoo piranha and tarantula in my next water.
they are 15 days old .

what is the problem ?why my skunk 1s are purple ?


Thanks for the timely suggestion. My soil is organicaire, supposedly neutral but pH keeps climbing above 7 and plants stressssed