Purple Stems


So last night I noticed the older growth the stems look like they are turning purple. It seems to be effecting most of the plants at the same time

I’ve done a bunch of reading and some people say it’s normal, some say it’s from environment and some say cal-mag is needed.

These plants were germinated Aug 6th and have been growing very well. I have been using deionized water and the plants always seemed to like it. I just watered them yesterday night but they seem a bit droopy today. I have read that RO water normally needs cal-mag added so I’m wondering if that’s what’s going on. I’m attaching some pics.




Well-Known Member
It could be genetics. What strain are you growing? Some strains specifically Indica's like Pakistani Chitral Kush will have purple stems and it's perfectly normal and not a sign of any deficiency.

Here is a PCK I grew with purple stems. Plant is perfectly healthy. It's been pollinated with a Panama male but it's the genetics causing the purple stems. I've grown numerous PCK's all were healthy and had purple stems.



It could be genetics. What strain are you growing? Some strains specifically Indica's like Pakistani Chitral Kush will have purple stems and it's perfectly normal and not a sign of any deficiency.

Here is a PCK I grew with purple stems. Plant is perfectly healthy. It's been pollinated with a Panama male but it's the genetics causing the purple stems. I've grown numerous PCK's all were healthy and had purple stems.

This seems like something is wrong. I’m not 100% but they seem a bit more droopy than usual. The purple is only on old leaves. Also as I’ve been reading everyone that uses RO water us d a cal-mag supp and deionized water is similar to RO water so I’m guessing it has to be treated similarly.

Damn that pic looks awesome though


Well-Known Member
Well if it's not genetics and you're using RO water you might very well have a deficiency. Other factors like temperature can cause it as well. Sometimes plants just grow out of it. Without knowing what your growing in and what you've been feeding it's hard to tell. I'm not a "Give it CalMag" guy but since you're using RO water that could very well be the issue and you might need to supplement with it.