purple ting 6 days old


I'm on my first grow, I have 5 plants. 2 W.W x Skunk 1 pineapple chunk 1 bomb THC and 1 akorn snow bud
The THC bomb is the one I'm worried about, it has a slight purple ting around the edges of the leaves and the new set coming in are really purple. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not as iv seen there know for a purplish color but should I see purple this soon?


Well-Known Member
They're too young to worry about the purple hues. But the leaves do look kinda strange. I'd only give them very small amounts of water. What kind of soil are they in?


There in some stuff that my local blossomry recommended. I can't remember the name of it.
The other 4 are doing great (IMO) nice and green and growing like a weed.


Well-Known Member
wouldn't worry to much now but i would definately recommend that you find out what there in, for reference and in-case you come across any other issues


Just researched it, seems to be a good versatile medium. can't find any npk on it though.. says to start nutes after first few waterings I'm using fftrio and gave them a drink of big bloom about 1 table spoon to a gal of water, so very week compaired to ff scedual at 6 tbl spoons to a gal. And this was 2 days ago but already had purple coloring before the nutes were givin


Well-Known Member
Take a few deep breaths dude. Your child just left the womb. Let it learn to walk before calling the doctor for the sniffles.

And that is in now way good parenting advice in regards to actual humans hahaha.


Ha, that's some good advice.
I just wanted to be sure. but now my snow bud is getting a purple ting.
The W.W x skunk are going crazy the pineapple chunk and THC bomb are being a little slow