Purple Train Wreck & Lemon Skunk 400w Tent. 1st time Green Thumber

Hello RIU Community, I'm popping my cherry w/ this post and look forward to keeping those who take an interest updated. I'm also hoping to learn a bit for this will be my first attempt at the Green Thumb.

My Setup

4x4 Hydrohut Silver
400w MH & HPS w/ Lumatek Ballast
Foxfarm Ocean Forest & Light Warrior Mixture
2 - 6inch Inline Active Air Fans.
5- Rsvp Purple Train Wreck
5- DNA Lemon Skunk
Foxfarm Grow Big for Vegging.

Transplanted in to 2 gallon grow bags filled w/ ocean forest and light warrior, all 5 of the Lemon Skunk took just fine but sadly I lost one of the TW. Thinking back now I should have only started 4 or 5 plants not 10 but to late for that now.

So for the first 15 or so days things looked normal, healthy, and I counted 3 nodes on the majority of plants so I decided to use 1/4 strength of Grow big per gallon. This is where things got fubar'd. I had to go away for a few days and left the wife in charge, nothing major "just make sure the timer is turning the lights and fans on and off" is what I told her before I left. What she heard...I do not know what the frack she heard but it was not even close to my instructions. her reasoning, b/c I was stoned. I had to agree w/ her.

I arrived back home today to find my girls looking very ugly and sad, the window opened which allowed very cold air to be sucked into the grow room. I've been told the temp fluctuated a bit as well from 72-85 degrees the low being the night and 85 at its hottest.

I've noticed spots on the leaves which look slightly rusty and on another that looks like what I would called dried mustard but truthfully I do not know what the hell it is there also seems to be some leaf curling maybe due to the heat. The wife told me she watered and sprayed them, which would explain the droopy look to some of them... So needless to say im a bit concerned. Anyone out there able to offer some advice or other words of wisdoms. Thanks in advance and I'm looking forward to updating this grow... should I get thru this rough patch.

So I am only able to get 1 problem picture up for some reason, I have a bit more just having trouble getting them posted, well I'll try to get them posted in the morning.



Well-Known Member
Upload your other picture's. Do all of your plants have these "Mustard stains" The change in color comes from a large number of things.

Your temp has not been at a constant during the daytime.
You're boarderline of giving your plants to many Nutrients.
Your light is too close.

We have to watch out, our plant can do these things because of stress due to its environment. Which you are controlling.

How far away is your light bulb?
We want more details my friend, every last one of them! :P
Which plants are showing these "Rusty" and "Mustard stains the Lemon? or Trainwreck?
Trainwreck is going to be the harder of the two to grow without troubles.

So get those pictures up, give us every last detail of what you have done so far. So RIU.org can help you out my friend.
Hello RUI. Thanks for the reply TIlltheday, I appreciate it. I'm sorry for the delay on other details and updates. Well since my last post things are looking better. I raised my light 5 more inches, it now rests 18 inches above the tops of my girls. I gave them all a nice flushing and have not fed them anything but H20 since, I'm thinking next week I'll start w/ 1/4 strength grow big hopefully w/ better results this time. I also adjusted my intake fan a bit and added a house fan I had laying around. My temps are 75-78 during the day and 65-68 when the light goes out. These adjustments have worked well for me so far all the new growth seems to be healthy and green.

The Purple Train Wreck is the strain that is giving me the most trouble, 2 of the 5 look great. The other 3 not so much but I think it I fed them way to early causing the "rusty mustard stains". I will say all the new growth on the TW looks good so far. Though I do have one TW that has leaves that remind me of lettuce, wrinkly and what not. I think that was caused due to the temps though. Anyone out there have experience/tips for RSVP Purple Train wreck?

I'm going to try and post a few more pics of the new growth, but I'm having trouble posting more then 1 at a time. When I try to post multiples it overwrites my previous picture leaving me w/ just 1 pic. I checked to make sure the file is not not to large and it is not. Anyone else have this trouble? "Keep it Green"


So here are a few pics of my problem leaves, this does not look like nute burn to me.. I'm not sure what it is. I cannot find anything in the plant problem sticky that looks like my problem. Mites maybe but I do not see any other signs of them. Anyone able to take to a look and offer some input.. would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing the spotting on my leaves could? I've checked for mites and I do not see any other signs. My PH is 7.0. My light is about 20inches from the tops of the plants and I have only fed them once back on 2/3-2/4.
Thanks for your thoughts. I transplanted from 2 gallon bags to 5 gals. I hope this will make a difference. I'm going to give them a few days to recover then I plan on going 12/12. I will post some new pics soon.
So I swapped my MH bulb for HPS and have gone 12/12 as of the 24th. Everything seems to be going ok. I still have a bit of leaf damage but no new outbreaks of w/e was going on. So now I'm playing the waiting game, should be all female but w/ the stress some have gone thru Im going to have to watch them close. Here are some new pics.


Ah, I see all these other people getting feedback... what am I the ginger kid w/ the dunce cap on in the corner? :dunce: albeit I do not mind posting for others to see, even if ya do not offer up any type of comment. :mrgreen:


Active Member
have you added any cal mag? i found little rust spots and it was a magnesium def..get a grow bible man it realllly helps i swear by it. best 30 investment you can make


Active Member
Ah, I see all these other people getting feedback... what am I the ginger kid w/ the dunce cap on in the corner? :dunce: albeit I do not mind posting for others to see, even if ya do not offer up any type of comment. :mrgreen:
haha making fun of gingers...classic...don't worry about not too many people posting...should pick up once your girls are well into flowering and your putting out some bud porn....mine has over 800 views with something like 37 posts and the majority are me...and i post closeup bud shots so don't worry...girls are looking nice
Heya RIU, Ha so my ginger assault worked eh? Well no matter how you came about my post, ty for your comments and advice I hope you all come back to take a gander. The garden is looking good imo but what do I know :shock: Lots of new growth all nice and green. Pistils have shot out on almost all of them so Im pleased the feminized seeds were just that. I also added 4 2700k 90W CFLS for a little extra ummph. So I'm hoping to see some flower formation in the next week or so. Im looking forward to the next 8-9 weeks.:lol:

I do have one question, I noticed a bit of stretching in one of my plants. I posted a pic of her below, the gap you see in her is about 3.5-4inches. Im curious to know how this will effect her flowering, harvest and what not? Anyone encounter this before? Thanks in advance.

