Purple Urkle Grow


New Member
So, I obtained some PU seeds from a friend of mine who recieved the true clones from the CCC. I guess its a california exclusive strain or something. This is my first grow and I've been comparing them to other 5 day old seedlings are these guys are MONSTERS. They seem really healthy, spot any problems? I use a local organic amish soil lol and lots of perlite. These babies seem healthy, so if you see any problems, tell me! Oh also running a 600 hps 12/12.



New Member
I got a purple urk goin as a mom and it doesn't/hasn't got very tall but it is bushy. This is my first grow too so I've just been goin wit it. I some other strains flowering but Just cloned off the urk so in 2 wks maybe I can add it to grow room. Urk is popular in the bay.