purple vs. just too cold


Well-Known Member
i've heard from another grower that strains that arent originally intended to be purple sometimes turn purple due to the cold weather? yay or nay?


Well-Known Member
i would agree with that. Exactly what happened to me. what i did to sort it out was put a fan heater on a timer and put the warm setting for the dark period. its easy enough to do if you got a timer. If not just make sure u turn the fans off at night as they will coll the air down, therefore stunting the plants growth by making it recover from cold nights.


Active Member
Plants leaves and stems turn purple because of a sugar called glucose which is stored in the plant. In cold temperatures (around 50 F or lower) the glucose becomes trapped in the leaves giving them the purple coloring.


Well-Known Member
Old thread but ill bump it anyways once leaves purpled from cold temps should the leaves be removed?


Well-Known Member
Yep it is true. I had 2 Head Band plants out side late into november and they went from normally being a light green to purple. It started on the outer leaves and moved into the buds. The cold and purple effects did not seem to hurt the plant at all but it never got down past 38F.