purpling of stems/leaf petioles from light stress!


New Member
ive been searching for this for a while now and figured it out on my own... i had my rooted clones with too much light which gave them lackluster growth and caused my leaf stems to purple. these were on 30 days old clones still within spec of my l.e.d. and hps's 18 inches awa from light... when the signs started popping off i searched and searched for a answer to red leaf stem's none of them pointed to light stress most of it was the usual low temp, lack of phosphor, genetic answer's...

so there you go hopefuly this helps.. this started with my use of led's which i guess was too much for my 30 day veg after ten day root

this is my first post so go easy on me but i realy think this should have been easier to find.... and yeah i know about hardening my plants and all that i just started growing after a 5 year break... my temps were fine air flow fine nute was fine all it took was going back to my cfls and t5s for a few days and there back on track...
maybe i didn't search hard enough but i searched and searched and searched last few months.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Lots of strains have stems that start to turn purple or red and it isn't necessarily an environmental problem. I have a grow room full of plants that have purple coloring on the leaf stems and the main stalk as well . I don't know the strain because I didn't know the mother that these seeds came from. If its not temps or a nutritional issue which you already deduced that its not then its normal coloration and I wouldn't think twice about it. Deficiencies that cause this sort of behavior are unmistakable and aren't as common as everyone thinks. Does it happen ? sure but a lot more cases of it are panic rather than actual problems. Books and internet advice go along way but not as far as hands on experience . The Cannabis leaf deficiency chart has hindered more people than it helps in my opinion. People look at it and diagnose their plants incorrectly because they do not have the experience to know otherwise (Im not saying this is you) but what you also wont find in books or internet surfing is that purple stems can be very normal.


New Member
i agree, can be normal and healthy but my plants weren't thriving along with the purpling and as i fix the lighting the purpling ceases to exist and growth starts happening naturaly.. if it had been one or two of my plants i wouldnt have jump to this conclusion, and realy just wanting to throw this out there as possible fix ive grow the same 2 strains with no purpling or very little... thanks for your input i attached a pic of 2 days after the change to lower wattage.. i dont realy know the exact reason the lighting had to do with the purpling but its easily repeatable buy turning my high wattage lamp back on


Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Well the only other thing that I can think of is that maybe the plants have a genetic pre disposition to turning purple under intense light and grow weak? However , you do realize this is highly unorthodox for cannabis as it is a sun loving annual and very much not normal if thats the case. You may want to consider not growing that particular strain again unless of course you don't mind the extra effort to grow it. What strain are we talking about here and were they bagseed or from a reputable seed producer. Im going to make a whole lot of people irritated by saying this but it is what it is. I think these seed breeders regardless how popular or expensive cannot fully control nature or genetics. I know that there is a definite science behind it but I feel that there are as many happy accidents as well. Sometimes the finished product of breeding can produce some very (not so normal attributes)its not light intensity, its not heat,and its not humidity but most likely shitty over bred genetics. Sorry everyone in advance but I just don't think these seed breeders have got a dialed in standard. If they are telling you that you can find up to 3 kinds of pheno types per packet of seeds and can produce a variety of colors then what they are saying is we think we got it right but if we didn't its most likely the growers fault not theirs.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Yes purple widow is an example of a strain with purple stems especially in the early stages, but like Jimmy Sparkle says it is fairly common and it's never become a problem for me.


Well-Known Member
Almost any strain that has blueberry in the lineage can get purple stems, looks fine, no need to fret imo. I have about 7 strains on the go and I think it's only two that DON'T have them.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Is the tip of your leafs brown, if so I believe it's phosphorus and or potassium needed. I get that in nearly every grow because I don't feed em much. Hope it helps

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I am in progress of solving the problem, if it continues your leafs stem will go a dark purple and feel like half dead, and it will take longer to flower. I still need some Nitrogen wich some may pick out too lol from pic of leaf.


Well-Known Member
Purple in the finished product is a desirable trait. In the petiole it can mean a P def in your soil but not always. It can also mean cold temps bc P is locked up in colder soil temps. I see purple in petioles all the time and the plants are healthy. Its nothing to be concerned with.
I often see purple and reds in leaves and petioles in a grow that is near harvest. Its exciting to see. As Chlorophyll dies the real colors of the leaf are revealed. That's how we get such gorgeous fall colors in trees.


New Member
Well the only other thing that I can think of is that maybe the plants have a genetic pre disposition to turning purple under intense light and grow weak? However , you do realize.....
and the reason i used too much light was the advice in books that cannabis will generaly take as much light as you throw at them. i wend for led as i had a smaller space for veg..
yeah i have big bud and ak-47 one from msnl distribution and one distrubuted from amsterdam seed company. there aren't the greatest standards in the cannabis industry as a whole that has always been apparent to me. i didnt buy directly from breeders as i live in oregon and new cuttings are now easily accessible just impatients on my part. the big bud was the worst for variations and out of 9 seeds 1 was female. and that female turned male with the slightest hiccup in flowering, the ak-47 was from marijuana-seeds.nl which were much more consistent and would buy again from them..

thanks for all your replys i have had a few confirmations on too much light with leds as im told they are more directed straight down then other lights.. makes for hot spots and di just wasnt seeing the signs as i had with hps or metal halide.. the bleached look or the spots.. might of been a combination of things.. ill work on things before i post again


New Member
Purple in the finished product is a desirable trait. In the petiole it can mean a P def in your soil but not always. It can also mean cold temps bc P is locked up in colder soil temps. I see purple in petioles all the time and the plants are healthy. Its nothing to be concerned with.
I often see purple and reds in leaves and petioles in a grow that is near harvest. Its exciting to see. As Chlorophyll dies the real colors of the leaf are revealed. That's how we get such gorgeous fall colors in trees.
for sure my ak plant has some extremely cool colors as its nearing it's finish. nature is bewildering and beautiful.


Well-Known Member
and the reason i used too much light was the advice in books that cannabis will generaly take as much light as you throw at them. i wend for led as i had a smaller space for veg..
yeah i have big bud and ak-47 one from msnl distribution and one distrubuted from amsterdam seed company. there aren't the greatest standards in the cannabis industry as a whole that has always been apparent to me. i didnt buy directly from breeders as i live in oregon and new cuttings are now easily accessible just impatients on my part. the big bud was the worst for variations and out of 9 seeds 1 was female. and that female turned male with the slightest hiccup in flowering, the ak-47 was from marijuana-seeds.nl which were much more consistent and would buy again from them..

thanks for all your replys i have had a few confirmations on too much light with leds as im told they are more directed straight down then other lights.. makes for hot spots and di just wasnt seeing the signs as i had with hps or metal halide.. the bleached look or the spots.. might of been a combination of things.. ill work on things before i post again
I use 800w of leds in about 11 sq ft. No problem. I do have some varieties with purple stems.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Iv had first three grows bag seeds and random my temps at night never went lower than 20, second grow was critical, deep cheese and the church, third grow monsters cropped church and deep cheese monster cropped and super skunk, fourth grow delahaze and monster cropped afghani.. Now I had purple leaf stem in mid and late flower with the nute burn/blotches and dead leaf tipsand allways slowed flowering and small yields from all. I recently found out after allot of research and it was due to pk deff that is the signs of it. It's not allways the temps. And I managed to get the church to purple towards last two weeks and it was the leafs that turned purple not the leaf stem... I only mention it from experience like I have one plant showing the deff in vegg and another I feed low doses of PK both same soil same room temps, afghani started early with the deff DSC_0135.JPG
And here is one with the deff starting. I mentioned my point because of experience not looking out my windows and agreeing with it. A healthy plant looks like this fully green all the way like this lady DSC_0136.JPG
If reddish pistils, pink or purple is a genetic and the cold affects the buds and leafs it purples or colours go on them because it affects the plants photosynthesis because of the cold lol.
I only know that because I did some research so I could purple up my GHS the church. I only talk from experience not books or threads but read up on the purple strains and what turns.
Hope this helps

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Purple streaks and blotching on the stems are a totally normal trait. However if your stems are deep purple and or red and this is manifesting itself into the leaf veins then you've got a deficiencie. Read a little deeper into it and you will realize that is what they mean . If you have a strain that has any blueberry in it or a purple in it or a strain that can purple in it then your plants will most likely have splashes of reds or purples on it an up through the stems regardless of What you do.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Oookay so all the first strains I've got have purple lmao. Is that what your saying. I did do some research mate when I needed it. I did try to help. but I guess I had lots purple strains that just purple or red stems and nutes marks lmao. Yup good advice mate thanks for you time.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
And never heard of a plant that has purple stem from light stress. Light stress turns your top leafs pale.... Not your leaf stem purple. But hey I'm just a noob with worthless advice lmao. Read the thread that we are on and Google the symptoms I will even send you a chart have a read. If your leaf stem is purple or red and your leafs then it's a trait... But if you have burns, red/ purple leaf stems and dying leaf tips like the guy put on. That ain't no bloody trait it's a deff. Thanks for you information but I'm sure I done my research to purple up the church.


and the reason i used too much light was the advice in books that cannabis will generaly take as much light as you throw at them. i wend for led as i had a smaller space for veg..
yeah i have big bud and ak-47 one from msnl distribution and one distrubuted from amsterdam seed company. there aren't the greatest standards in the cannabis industry as a whole that has always been apparent to me. i didnt buy directly from breeders as i live in oregon and new cuttings are now easily accessible just impatients on my part. the big bud was the worst for variations and out of 9 seeds 1 was female. and that female turned male with the slightest hiccup in flowering, the ak-47 was from marijuana-seeds.nl which were much more consistent and would buy again from them..

thanks for all your replys i have had a few confirmations on too much light with leds as im told they are more directed straight down then other lights.. makes for hot spots and di just wasnt seeing the signs as i had with hps or metal halide.. the bleached look or the spots.. might of been a combination of things.. ill work on things before i post again

I just saw the date and hope you will get back to me but any advice how did you fix your problem? Please help fresh start same as your post and same problem did you ever get to finish under led? I domt kmow if you tried but did you try with more of say calmag or something else to balence out the lighting ?Can I ask how many plants,watts, and space? Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
I just saw the date and hope you will get back to me but any advice how did you fix your problem? Please help fresh start same as your post and same problem did you ever get to finish under led? I domt kmow if you tried but did you try with more of say calmag or something else to balence out the lighting ?Can I ask how many plants,watts, and space? Thank you in advance
You need to do alot more reading mate! If you think you can 'balance' out too much light by adding cal-mag, you are on a different boat!:) Don't put much thought into the thread..the ending says it best..too much light will not cause your stems or petioles to go purple..it will bleach the top first and burn anything that gets the light at the top. Purple stems can be genetic (in less than 10% of strains), it can be caused by cooler temps as well or if phosphorus is not getting taken up properly. Some sulfur deficiencies will also cause purpling stems, but that comes with other symptoms as well. Too much light will not cause your stems to purple, too much uv light can cause some leaves to purple as the leaf is trying to protect itself from the high uv.


You need to do alot more reading mate! If you think you can 'balance' out too much light by adding cal-mag, you are on a different boat!:) Don't put much thought into the thread..the ending says it best..too much light will not cause your stems or petioles to go purple..it will bleach the top first and burn anything that gets the light at the top. Purple stems can be genetic (in less than 10% of strains), it can be caused by cooler temps as well or if phosphorus is not getting taken up properly. Some sulfur deficiencies will also cause purpling stems, but that comes with other symptoms as well. Too much light will not cause your stems to purple, too much uv light can cause some leaves to purple as the leaf is trying to protect itself from the high uv.
I figured as much for adding more of anything because my growth is fine when I tried to adjust it just sent me into a flush out so I figured as much but haven't done this in about 6 years as you had said it'd been 5 for yourself when your put this thread up so I guess I'm on the boat you road in on the sameone everyone does and that's why we come here I think I mean that's why I did and found a post in the exact thing I have going on. I was just trying to see what you did if anything to correct did it correct I mean it's only on leaf stems with most light exposure. Thank you for your help sorry for trying to jump on the boat