Purposely stretching the plants in the first week or two of veg for more buds?


What's up..
I've been looking at different grow journals, ones with video ones on forums ones off torrent sites etc etc etc..

I've noticed that on a few different grows some of the growers had their lights a bit higher in the first 2-3 weeks of veg while the plants are putting on their extra height..
I noticed in the cases of where people were using ~2ft well established clones with thick stems and low internode spacing.. (like they had been cut small and vegged for a couple months) it resulted in lengthier looking bud sites which still appeared to swell very very well.. it appeared to result in much longer budsites which were every bit as thick..
The plants were about 2 feet tall on the ones I saw this done on before they started them flowering..and they were very thick bushy plants..
After the first ~3 weeks of flower where they stretched out the nodes didn't stretch so much as the bud shoots did..
Then after that the lights were lowered to proper distance and they just got MASSIVE!!! very very legnthy PHAT top colas... at first it looked like the plant was gonna be weak and prob get leafy but it didn't! and they swelled up HUGE!

Has anyone tried something like this? I'm interested to know if this was what was done or if it would work etc etc..
Because for all I know they could have just lifted the lights for the video..

I know everyone lifts their lights for the beginning of the witch but not usually for 2-3 weeks..

anyone?? =D


Well-Known Member
i like to keep my lights close, esspecially for seedlings, if you streach a seedling the stem is going to be wayyy to long and week, for clones, i never tryed, my first clones will be cut in about a week or two =DD


are u trying this your self? would be intrested to no the results myself it sounds like simple sicence 2me could be on2 somthing... but i am still quite new to the grow game so dont take my word for it. :-)


Active Member
during my second and third weeks of veg i like to stretch my plants out a little, mainly just to help provide light to the lower parts of indica dominants. i usually raise the lights a little after transplanting them and give them 20/4 schedule. ive noticed once i put them into flowering they stretch but the bud sites seem to grow faster and longer. also i see sex within like the first 2 weeks of flowering. this is after about 3-4 weeks of veg.


during my second and third weeks of veg i like to stretch my plants out a little, mainly just to help provide light to the lower parts of indica dominants. i usually raise the lights a little after transplanting them and give them 20/4 schedule. ive noticed once i put them into flowering they stretch but the bud sites seem to grow faster and longer. also i see sex within like the first 2 weeks of flowering. this is after about 3-4 weeks of veg.
Nice! And it looks like you have good results...

I hadn't thought of stretching them a little before flowering, maybe I'll do that for a week or so first instead then flip it over to 12/12 and start lowering the light like 1/5th the way down to where I want it day by day for 5 days until its where I want it..
I kind of like this idea better because I do not know when or how the plant determines how many individual little resin filled buds each bud grows.. and also how it determines its leaf:bud ratio..
I know this has a lot to do with genetics but I also know it doesn't have everything to do with genetics. Several years ago a good friend of mine had a series of boxes he built as he got better and better and he grew the same strain throughout..and the results varied hardcore!

i like to keep my lights close, esspecially for seedlings, if you streach a seedling the stem is going to be wayyy to long and week, for clones, i never tryed, my first clones will be cut in about a week or two =DD
lol you even read what I put? =)
talkin about stretchin 'em the first week or so of flowering =)

are u trying this your self? would be intrested to no the results myself it sounds like simple sicence 2me could be on2 somthing... but i am still quite new to the grow game so dont take my word for it. :-)
I am definitely gonna be tryin it myself =)
I put your nick in my RIU notes so I'll let ya know how it goes..
I'm still buildin my box lol ;)
Using cfl's to sustain plants in the meantime... fan is too loud with a little grow tent i bought to run the HID..
needs to be encased in wood..
and then encased in wood again! =b
(i live in a condo, I have attatched neighbors.. even though its legal for me to grow I'd rather no one around me know ;)

I'm not going to do an all out journal, just some DIY's on what I build..but if I come up with any kind of good methods I will definitely keep the RIU community informed =P Already writing the plans for this ~$30 ebb & flow using 10&18gallon rubbermaids for media/reservoir hehe..it works great..
~24"x16" x 9"deep, great for 4 medium -> 6-8 small plants in a grow cab.. hehe
I'm plannin on layin down about 80-90watts/sqft and use maybe 6-8 ~1.5-2ft plants with 2-4 top colas each and nothing else! Just the tops!

Does anyone forsee any problems yet?
I thought the 80-90watts/sqft was going to be a problem but I have put a few plants under it for a week when I first got it all to test it out and they lived.. heat was a little warm (85) but I'm planning on doing co2 enrichment..
I heard they benefit more from higher temps with enrichment..so maybe I can lower the light more =) Is this true?
I hope this works as well as I am thinking..hehe..I mainly only like the top colas so I am trying to do all tops! (maybe 4 per plant if I can..but 2 is cool! But 8 would be better! Lol..just depends on how I can do it to get the best quality..and then yield. I only need to produce 4oz/2mos for myself.