Cajun Grower
Active Member
bear ask the rabbit, "do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur"
rabbit: "no"
bear grabs rabbit and wipes his ass...
rabbit: "no"
bear grabs rabbit and wipes his ass...
hell no wonder my mama beat me in the head with the handle ask the rabbit, "do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur"
rabbit: "no"
bear grabs rabbit and wipes his ass...
this lemon og is really deiseling the house,and the purps have the cotton candy jus like the advance just had to share tht one !
dont go there on me bro
i respect and appreciate all the data you offered
but then i gotta do me
i would nver had known shit if you had not informed me
so lets not go there wit dat i mind my own business shit
we can talk cant we
when friends disagree it means nutin - back to bein friends an forgotten
when enemys disagree you dont need to speak ever again an its fine you
we are friends right
last 2 purps i germed r coming along one still wierdly deformed the others lookin normal the bigger it gets 1st 2 r purps 2nd is gdp all 3 15 days from seed 12/12
last 2 purps i germed r coming along one still wierdly deformed the others lookin normal the bigger it gets 1st 2 r purps 2nd is gdp all 3 15 days from seed 12/12
i thought it was very informative
cg-deformaties normally grow out