Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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can u believe that is 1 plant,4- 5ft leads.
well this mornin sucks so far woke had another flat on my girls jeep so she takes off in my truck to bring a bouncy castle to her grand kids get 2 miles down the road fn trucks runnning hot ! anyway how you doin this mornin rdr. ? hope ur day started better than mine girls look sweeeeeeet makin my mouth water ! lol
been havin a slow leak just cant find it everythings so crammed in there trucks a 97 ranger 4x4 came wth a v6 i yanked it squeezed a 5.0L 302 HO out of a mustang in it only problem i ever had wth it 170k miles
have 2 or 3 purps gonna fifni early.i'll prob pull2 tomorrow,,thier totally iced down and purply,wish it swell up a bit more but need somethin movin.all the og goin as long as its panning out,damn thiers alot og.
yea that lemon og quite a yielder,will run 3 of thier 18,next round and all 10 beans outlaws and 5 violater kush 2 weex.i was pulling avg63 grams ea off my las og18 run,not to bad.

no not bad at all bro

cg bad start means got room to improve

alls good here
i hope things good for you rdm
cg i hope things get better
did yors get real purple bro

or is dis one dem casses where they get the one plant in 25 that changes put its pic on pac
not admitin pic is a one outa 25 pic -an everyone buys thinkin all gona look like pic
fukery i tell you
dpd is auto purple ,mm has more ripening purple,being crossed with dpd,u mite get a solid purple...go google images outlaw genetics dpd.
106F outside .gdp outside growin super fast and it it is a confirmed girl.veg it some out there..78F growroom.alot of ac.
k thanks

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mine came today no frr seeds
and label looks a little diff yours said its composition
mine dont

yours seem to have looked bigger and darker

oh well we will see - said stievie wonder

U get it from the Breedbay Auction, Seur Bidz?? If so, no sweat. Doc Bob and Pistils are legit. I have purchased dozens of packs from that place. Always legit, quality, no nonsense service.
The packs are pretty genericly packaged and I myself know for a fact that Outlaw sent in seeds to be held by the site admin that were broken up at some point by Breedbay, not Outlaw into smaller 5 packs. Could explain the difference in packaging. That site tho is very reputable and it's reputation is probably in the Admin's mind first and foremost important. His pride shows in his posts as being somewhat of an indoor growing expert, as I know he owns a UK based Hydroponic business.

I wouldn't worry at all. I vouch as being a long time member of that community. I'm sure Raider would agree.
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