Pussy or weed?


Active Member
Would you rather have some bomb Pussy or some bomb weed.

im talking a one night thing. A sesh with some bomb ass weed or a one nighter with some nice pussy


Well-Known Member
You would have to put them both in front of me to make an honest decision.

It really comes down to what "bomb" is.



Well-Known Member
I can always get pussy, but If I smoke the weed I wont be wanting to get any. If I take the pussy, I can always get weed after. But Ill never be satisfied knowing I could have smoked the best weed of my life.

Its kind of a chicken or the egg dilemma.



Well-Known Member
Would you rather have some bomb Pussy or some bomb weed.

im talking a one night thing. A sesh with some bomb ass weed or a one nighter with some nice pussy
Both at the same time of course.
Nothing better than when my woman is riding me while we share a J


Well-Known Member
Depends on which one I have had most of recently. If i havn't smoked in a week or their has only been scwag around because i didn't ration my last harvest ( suprise suprise lol ) then I'm gonna have to go with the Ganja. but if im sitting good on my own stash then its kinda hard to pass up a good night between the sheets. Also we need to take into acount that she might be hot as hell and horrible in bed. So it all depends lol.

the fact that i'm not sure on this isn't a good sign lol


Well-Known Member
Smoking good weed will only make me think of poon tang but nailing some fine pussy will make me think about getting more pussy. I have to go with pussy if it can't be both


Well-Known Member
some of u guys are crazy. pussy no contest. thats a no brainer

Haha, spoken like a true pussy fiend.

Maybe if I was 16 still, but pussy comes, pussy goes...mostly comes..lol

But the Best weed of your life, thats a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Oh, and do we get to send her home right away? Cause if I can throw her in a taxi as soon as Iv had my way with her without getting bitched at, hahahah, then thats the better option.



Well-Known Member


1.pussy/weed/money (all on the same level)

fuck it all! ill take the weed and prowl the night til i get that dank pussy to fuck with my dank weed.

you cant be putting importants over importants. you fuck when your high and your high when you fuck! thats how life should be and is if you play your cards right.

DANK PUSSY, DANK WEED -- i'll have 2nd's