Put a Doctor in the House

Major Issues Healthcare, Criminal Justice Reform, Economy and Education- What else

  • Use of Cannabis with Card on Probation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Militarization of the Police

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • CPS reform

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Public Defender Funding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Treating Cannabis with Card as a 'prescribed drug' in employment and housing.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Who the heck knows, zapatosunitos is what he goes by. He has a wild hair for me, and there is a small group of minons that run around there with his backing. But he normally doesn't explain his reasoning for whatever it is he does there. Personally I think this is a better board and am quite happy here.

Dr. Bob


Small group of minons?
Does not explain his reasoning?
You serious?

You do know I am a moderator on mmma.org right and what you say in public reflects upon me?

Are we not friends?

Interesting your comments here...

sorry I was shown them.
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My comments were clearly directed at Chad. I am no longer a part of the MMMA, Chad has made it clear he doesn't want me there, so I am not there. I stand by my words and they are no reflection on you. As for minons, he clearly has his favorite posters that can write no wrong- especially if it is to attack me constantly. You've been a fair and balanced moderator there, and we very clearly are friends. I am sure you clearly understand why I am tired of the drama and idiocy of the MMMA. I honestly don't understand why you didn't ask about this personally.

Dr. Bob
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My comments were clearly directed at Chad. I am no longer a part of the MMMA, Chad has made it clear he doesn't want me there, so I am not there. I stand by my words and they are no reflection on you. As for minons, he clearly has his favorite posters that can write no wrong- especially if it is to attack me constantly. You've been a fair and balanced moderator there, and we very clearly are friends. I am sure you clearly understand why I am tired of the drama and idiocy of the MMMA. I honestly don't understand why you didn't ask about this personally.

Dr. Bob
My apologies.

I misread your statement to be an attack against the mmma.org.
After rereading I see your comments were concentrated at zap directly.
I work really hard to keep the "drama and idiocy at the MMMA.ORG" as you so eliquintly put it...in check.
it's a tireless and thankless job.
as moderators we do it to help the people so it's all good.

hopefully you are happy here and have a platform to dispense your ideas.
I am sorry things didn't work out over there as I went to bat to ensure your were unbanned recently in the first place..

I didn't ask you about this personally because it was forwarded to me while I was in the middle of another debate...I was already worked up so I misread it and overreacted.
Once again. I apologize and wish you the best of luck as you pursue a seat in congress.
Don't know why this would surprise anyone,politicians no longer represent the people,they only look out for them selves and how much money they can make. This is to protect PPS and the the monopoly they hope to create here once they reschedule in Washington DC.
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Hi Bob,
Im not in the 97th but I'm considering giving you some money for the campaign.

A few questions.....

Is the gun issue big in the 97th and is that why you interpret the Constitution the way you do in regards to guns?

(Guns are not at the top of my list of concerns- pro or con. Wondering why its one of the big issues on your site.)

Whom do you endorse for President?

The healthcare section on your site doesn't seem to work....can you explain your stance on this issue?

Small group of minons?
Does not explain his reasoning?
You serious?

You do know I am a moderator on mmma.org right and what you say in public reflects upon me?

Are we not friends?

Interesting your comments here...

sorry I was shown them.
Hey brudda how u been??
Still holdin any of those strains?
Hi Bob,
Im not in the 97th but I'm considering giving you some money for the campaign.

A few questions.....

Is the gun issue big in the 97th and is that why you interpret the Constitution the way you do in regards to guns?

(Guns are not at the top of my list of concerns- pro or con. Wondering why its one of the big issues on your site.)

Whom do you endorse for President?

The healthcare section on your site doesn't seem to work....can you explain your stance on this issue?

Hmmm guns- heavy support on second amendment, lifelong hunter, long distance shooter and former military. I do support 'shall issue' permits for auto weapons, explosives and flamethrowers, just like we have now and enforcing current restrictions on ownership. I support expanding CPL (with additional training) and have one myself.


Healthcare? On the state level, not my circus, not my monkeys- that is a federal issue. But I think the ACA got 19 million people insurance. I do support national healthcare. My stance on pain management, addiction and medical marijuana is rather obvious and supportive. Medicaid deserves funding, but universal healthcare would be an improvement.

Just to add a couple of other points, I would like to have a serious look at what we consider 'crime' and 'criminal' with an eye to move to civil fines and no incarceration (people need jobs, to be able to get to their jobs, and to not be hampered with 'criminal' records for non-violent issues). We need to strengthen the public defenders office, encourage trials rather than plea bargains, and reform the civil forfeiture process to require convictions.

Dr. Bob

See my website, www.roberttownsendfor97.com for more specific positions.
Hmmm guns- heavy support on second amendment, lifelong hunter, long distance shooter and former military. I do support 'shall issue' permits for auto weapons, explosives and flamethrowers, just like we have now and enforcing current restrictions on ownership. I support expanding CPL (with additional training) and have one myself.


Healthcare? On the state level, not my circus, not my monkeys- that is a federal issue. But I think the ACA got 19 million people insurance. I do support national healthcare. My stance on pain management, addiction and medical marijuana is rather obvious and supportive. Medicaid deserves funding, but universal healthcare would be an improvement.

Just to add a couple of other points, I would like to have a serious look at what we consider 'crime' and 'criminal' with an eye to move to civil fines and no incarceration (people need jobs, to be able to get to their jobs, and to not be hampered with 'criminal' records for non-violent issues). We need to strengthen the public defenders office, encourage trials rather than plea bargains, and reform the civil forfeiture process to require convictions.

Dr. Bob

See my website, www.roberttownsendfor97.com for more specific positions.

Thanks Bob,
You can expect my financial support.

I would like to quiz you a bit more on the gun issue at some point but its not that pressing right now.
I am not personally in favor of it, but think the voters should have been given the chance to decide through a voter initiative. Over 500,000 people in Michigan signed the three active petitions and the Legislature changed the rules, putting it into immediate effect to kill the issues.

Dr. Bob
Went to the TNT auction yesterday. They are claiming the goods they sold were not from marijuana patients, but I filed a FOIA and will find out and confront them. MSP stats show that 75% of all drug arrests are marijuana related and of those 90-98% are for simple possession in those counties. Will get to the bottom of it.

Dr. Bob
Just an update on the campaign. According to Facebook and Alexa numbers, I am blowing away the other 6 candidates and my favorable name recognition is extremely high in the district. Seems every meeting I attend, they know me and I am even getting support from some of the republicans.

Primary is Aug 2 and I have one other candidate on the democratic ticket. Things are looking very good.

Here is the website www.RobertTownsendfor97.com

Dr. Bob