Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Active Member
I just noticed it's been almost 2 weeks since I posted last time in this thread. This weekend I will update w lots of pics...just been busy w other stuff. I don't wanna spoil anything but U guys n gals are in for a monster update w lots of lovely pics :mrgreen: Hang in there, weekend is just around the corner!

Neways I had a lil misshap in the growroom. Dam noob timer didn't turn off the lights at 7 pm yesterday as usual. I got home bout 2 am and it's around 31C in the room itself...I wonder how warm the plants were T_T...and they had gotten +9h of sun time. Not a biggy but annoying! Gave them 12h darkness and turned on the lights again at 2pm and gave them only 8h of light...oops got company ringing the door...gotta let these women in...see ya'll later!

Allrightythen, got few mins...ladies are down buying some fresh fruit for the smoothie/milk shake were doing. So where were I...yeah, gave them only 8h light and gonna bump them back on track to 7am - 7pm in 2-3 days ;) skipping 1h light/day till I'm back where I want them.

Later today is gonna be some epic soccer games in the world cup...can't wait to get hammered and go watch soccer w a lot of other drunken fools.

//peace, Pc

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mr west

Well-Known Member
Its been really quiet on riu the last few weeks lol i think its the nice weather or something lol. Im herewaiting for ur update >>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: got no headband left lol its bubble hash made with hb trim tho so still gives u the headband effect lol.


Active Member
24 June

Lil bubblegum I have kept for fun, bonzai Bubblegum ;)

26 June

2 July. Some branches are tied down, some I have supercropped, and from now on I'll just let them go! ;)

Katjie, I kept her as she is and threw her into 12/12 bout 10 days ago...she's big! :shock:


mr west

Well-Known Member
nice updat PanG mate, katie is huge lol. i got a couple that size jus in 12 tooo i vegged em well too long lol


Active Member
Ty mate! it's kinda funny...she's become this big in a north facing window and now I only have room for her in the outskirts of the grow area but she seems fine...will move her in on Heathers spot once she's doen, if I can fit K in there...?!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I love vegging plants to the size of a washing machine lol or beer fridge. The only trouble is the dropage of the leafs as they die, gets like autumn lol.


Active Member
I usually le them grow till bout 1,5 feet in veg...all bout fitting them in under the HPS ;) I also have notice that if U use 400W HPS as I do, if U let them veg for long time U just gonna cut off 1/3 of all budsites neways cuz the light wont reach or penetrate...so my magic number is bout 40cm then 12/12. I have done scrogging before too but I must say I do prefer LST and supercrop before scrog. Why? The scrog w 6 plants in 1 net make it "imobile" and I like to move my plants around to let them all get "best" spots and I also move them to the tub once in a while for heavy feeding or flushing. In a week when ya'll be able to see the flowers it will look like there's an imaginary net holding them all down ;) creating a "scrog like" grow can easily be done w out a net and it gives U easier acccess to yer plants. That's my opinion...I really thought the scrog was a beetch ;)


Well-Known Member
Woo hoo!!! Looks real good in there. I'm very happy for you that the plants are turning out so nice looking. Great job.