But the question is WTF sane person even has the idea of buidling and installing home security systems with a theif that stole from you???? It may have been DNC stuff but as Americans thats OUR SHIT, just like the RNC stuff is mine too as an American more than it is the Russians. As in, I'm not a Republican but GD it foriegn powers have no right to screw with an American political institution, even one I don't belong too!
When was it ever okay to side in with a hostile foreign power over a fellow American who just is of opposite Political standing? I did not like George W Bush one bit, but I will tell you today, and everyday he was in office, I would have/had his back any day or night before I had Vlad's!
Siblings fight like hell amongst themselves, but when an outsider picks on one, he has picked on them al,l and the siblings cirlce the wagons around each other out of familial loyalty! Why the hell does the current GOP see Russia as more of its sibling than the Dems? Utterly ridiculous....
When a Hostile, non-democratic, Authoritarian Gov't hurts us in anyway our partisanship needs to be paused, we can fight like hell amongst ourselves as Americans, and by God we should, that was the design of our system, but never should we shrug if a hostile, foreign, totalitarian, anti-democracy regime does anything to harm one of our own.
Trump is a fool to think, even for a day, that we should partner up with a Rapist to form a anti sexual assault task force.